~83-Fold Relatively Increased Occurrence of Atrial Fibrillation After Covid-19 Vaccination (~5.0/Million Doses), Vs. After Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccination (0.06/Million Doses): U.S. Cardiac Electrophysiology Journal Analysis of VAERS Data

Kumar A, Shariff M, Bhat V, DeSimone C, Deshmukh A. “Atrial fibrillation after vaccination for COVID-19: analysis of the vaccine adverse event reporting system.” J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2022 Jun 8. doi: 10.1007/s10840-022-01263-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35674855.

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 A total of 2611 events of AF were reported after COVID19 vaccination, of which, 315 were new-onset AF. As of January 7, 2022, a total of 523.12 million COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered, making the incidence of atrial fibrillation around 5 per million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered. Of this, 1328 events were in males, and 1245 were in females. The vast majority were patients ≥ 40 years old. Furthermore, 1133 were after the first dose, with 1214 following the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. A similar proportion of events were reported both within 1 week of receiving the vaccine, and after 1 week of receiving it (Table 1). For comparison, 12 events of AF were reported after vaccination for the influenza virus (Quadrivalent), in the year 2021, as reported in the VAERS database, from a total of 193.8 million influenza vaccines that were administered in the same year.”

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