Monthly Archives: March 2024

New study (published in The Pediatric Infectious Dis J) confirms pediatric SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) infection is “mild” & “milder than (non-SARS) seasonal coronavirus (esp/ predominantly OC43) infection”

Full text here: Is SARS-CoV-2 Now More Like the Seasonal Coronaviruses Following Its Evolution_ “Although COVID-19 has been reported to be more severe than sCoV (seasonal coronavirus) infection in adults, the opposite appears to be true in children. (see: Rodriguez-Nava … Continue reading

Oral/Slide Presentation at Public Hearing: “An Evidence-Based Rebuttal of RIDOH’s-Proposed School Masking Regulation LYSENKOISM,” Andrew Bostom, MD, MS, March 15, 2024

Link to pdf file of slides: Mar 15 2024 Hearing Slides