Still No Mea Culpa, 4-Years Later, For Hysterically Overblown Brown University/RIDOH/Raimondo Administration 4/16/20 “RI Covid-19 Hospitalization Models”, Which Needlessly Extended, Useless, Socio-Economically Devastating Restrictions, For Months

Four years ago today, 4/16/20, during a live presser broadcast nationally on C-SPAN, then Governor Raimondo announced hysterical, wildly inaccurate Brown University/ Rhode Island Department of Health “RI covid-19 hospitalization model projections” for 4/27/20 and 5/3/20—a mere ~2-weeks later. Those grotesquely inaccurate models were ~6 to 12-fold in excess of actual covid-19 hospitalizations within that short time frame. No mea culpa—then, till now, 4-years later—has ever been issued for the useless and socio-economically devastating draconian restrictions those models engendered, which persisted for months, including: school closures, business/commerce/recreational restrictions, mask mandates, and “social distancing” requirements.

Below is a roster of the concealed “modelers” I obtained by public records act request (APRA), and the covid-19 hospitalization data, “modeled” vs. real-time actual.

Rhode Island citizens deserve a long overdue apology from all those in government and “public health” responsible for the serious errors of judgment that lead to the issuance of those models, and the resulting restrictions, and needless atmosphere of hysteria and paranoia, they begot.

Unaccountable “Modelers” Gallery:

Tom Trikalinos – Brown Professor and Epidemiologist;  Emily Oster – Brown Professor and Economist; John Fulton – Brown Professor and Epidemiologist; Kevin Wilson – Data Scientist at the Policy Lab (affiliated with Brown, directed by David Yokum); Mike Byrns – RIDOH Toxicologist

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