Shamsud-Din Jabbar’s Jihad, and Our Mosque Problem

Jabbar, pictured with Houston mosque he may have attended, the mosque’s statement urging members to refer any FBI inquiries to the Hamas-linked organization CAIR, and Jabbar’s Qur’an open to verse 9:111


New Orleans attacker Shamsud-Din Jabbar’s own Qur’an on his Houston residence desk was propped open to Qur’an 9:111 (see its authoritative modern interpretation here), a jihad “martyrdom” verse (within a full Qur’anic chapter, the 9th, of timeless jihad war proclamations against non-Muslims), about “killing and being killed in the cause of Allah.” This may have been the single most striking proof (among others known—like the black flag with Arabic inscription [patterned after the flag of Muhammad, Islam’s prophet, and prototype jihadist] flying from his weaponized truck—and yet to be revealed, but alluded to in news reports—that the carnage Jabbar wrought was an expression of jihad war.

Jabbar’s act of jihad terror should be a solemn reminder that this nearly 1400-year-old traditional Islamic practice of jihad conquest—terror being just one tactic—is very much alive in our era, including here within the U.S. Our refusal to recognize or even discuss this ongoing reality, due, in large part, to a highly successful campaign by Muslim cultural jihadists and their Marxist allies to smear all such conversations as “Islamophobia,” is at least as destructive as the jihad being waged against us, continually, by both violent and non-violent means. The cowardliness of Americans generally, and Jews in particular, in the face of this false, execrable calumny of Islamophobia, is matched only by our willful ignorance about Islam itself, not any chimerical “radical variant” of the creed.

As I’ve pointed out in two recent television interviews (1/3/25 and 1/4/25), a unique, seminal study reported in 2011 (which I wrote about at length, then, concurrent with its release) revealed that 81% of a representative sample of U.S. mosques preach and teach the doctrine of jihad conquest, including by violence, and its corollary: traditional Islamic, Sharia (Islamic law)-based negative, debasing stereotypes of non-Muslims. The at least 15-year record of The Islamic Society of Houston mosque system, notably the Bilal Masjid within walking distance of Jabbar’s Houston residence, epitomizes that disturbing phenomenon, punctuated by obsessive Jew-hatred, rooted in Islam’s Jew-hating canon. Not surprisingly, following Jabbar’s slaughter of innocents, the Bilal Masjid issued a statement statement urging members to refer any FBI inquiries to the Hamas-linked “civil rights” organization CAIR. Finally, 39% of U.S. Muslims, in a September 2024 survey, admitted they would like to see Islam’s basic liberty-abrogating Sharia system of “law” be applied in America within the next 20-years, while 50%, now, want showing a “picture or cartoon” of Islam’s prophet Muhammad to be illegal! Implementation of the Sharia, is the ultimate goal of jihad, however it is waged.

When I lectured locally, here in Rhode Island, 12/18/24 on 20-years of data, and what I believed to be animating doctrine, regarding global Antisemitism, I was asked given the evidence-based direction of the presentation, whether I had examined any of the teaching/ preaching emanating from Rhode Island mosques. Despite my own longstanding interest, I admitted to being remiss and hadn’t done so. Now I have, and what I’ve discovered by just going to social media (mostly Facebook, but other open sources as well) confirms (see here; here; here; here) the rampant Anti-Americanism, Islamic supremacism, and Jew-Hate being promulgated in my own community, which I too, till just now, had ignored.

We must all open our eyes and discuss the “mosque problem” in our midst, and through public exposure and shaming, demand this American Muslim inculcation of jihadism, and non-Muslim hatred, cease and desist.

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