VAERS report: VAERS rpt myocarditis at home death by autopsy
Emails between Dr. Bostom, the RI Medical Examiners Office, & RIDOH: emails 4.10.23 etc
Autopsy Report: Autopsy_Full w_redactions
RIDOH rejects release of any additional redacted documents: RIDOH Final Resp before Siri
Siri Law appeal on Dr. Bostom’s behalf: Siri_Rhode Island Records Request Appeal – Andy Bostom
RIDOH Director decision rejecting appeal: RIDOH Dir Decision Bostom_APRA_Appeal
RIDOH screenshot of a March 29, 2023 tweet by Dr. Bostom: Bostom Twitter Screen Shot 2023-06-01 at 1.17.56 PM (002)