Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Feckless American Jewish Committee Gave its September, 2023 “Human Dignity Award” to Long-Time Yusuf al-Qaradawi Deputy, and Sharia Supremacist, Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah

“ ‘Conscience of the Ummah’ was how he (Yusuf al-Qaradawi) was described by his one-time deputy and former close associate the Mauritanian scholar Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah.” The American Jewish Committee, in September, 2023, gave its “Human Dignity Award” to … Continue reading

U.S. National Conservatism Conference Invites “Ex-Jihadist,” and Dishonest Muslim Apologist, Ed Husain, Who Equates Zionism with Jihadism, to Speak at Panel on “Islam, Israel, and The West”

Link to pdf version: Ed Husain – National Conservatism Conference Washington 2024  Ed Husain is a former jihadist member of the Islamic Caliphate revival organization  Hizb ut Tahrir , founded by the Al-Azhar University educated Palestinian Muslim sharia judge, Taqiuddin … Continue reading

How A Muslim Apologist For Islam (Crudely) Divorces Hamas From Islam

Res Ipsa Loquitur Full pdf version here: The Theology of Hamas ed husain The Theology of Hamas Ed Husain Wall Street Journal Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. November 10, 2023: A.15. Link to original Hamas isn’t only a terrorist group, and … Continue reading

October 7th, 2023 and Authoritative Islam’s Modern Qur’anic Jihadism, and Jew-Hatred—Foremost contemporary Sunni and Shi’ite Qur’anic commentators on the jihad against the “morally bankrupt,” “evil” Jews

Beginning mere hours after the October 7, 2023 attacks, Sunni Islam’s Vatican equivalent Al-Azhar University—its Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb, leading ancillary clerics, and formal “Fatwa (religious edict) Committee”—sanctioned and celebrated Hamas’ jihad carnage, on Al-Azhar’s social media platforms. During October … Continue reading

New Study: Islam, October 7, 2023, and the Pandemic of Muslim Jew-Hatred

Full study can be down loaded here at Social Sciences Research Network Or here at my blog (with slight edits to references): SSRN_Edrefs_Islam J Oct 7 2023 and Muslim Jew-Hatred Islam, October 7, 2023, and the Pandemic of Muslim Jew-Hatred … Continue reading

Still No Mea Culpa, 4-Years Later, For Hysterically Overblown Brown University/RIDOH/Raimondo Administration 4/16/20 “RI Covid-19 Hospitalization Models”, Which Needlessly Extended, Useless, Socio-Economically Devastating Restrictions, For Months

Four years ago today, 4/16/20, during a live presser broadcast nationally on C-SPAN, then Governor Raimondo announced hysterical, wildly inaccurate Brown University/ Rhode Island Department of Health “RI covid-19 hospitalization model projections” for 4/27/20 and 5/3/20—a mere ~2-weeks later. Those … Continue reading

VIDEO: Thurs 4/11/24 Witless Jewish & Christian NYC Council Meeting Members Were Cursed in Arabic By A Guest Bronx Imam Allowed to Give The Invocation Which Included Qur’an 1:7

Thurs 4/11/24 witless Jewish & Christian NYC Council Meeting members were cursed in Arabic by a guest Bronx Imam allowed to give The Invocation which opened with a full recitation of the “fatiha” the first very short “sura” or chapter … Continue reading

New study (published in The Pediatric Infectious Dis J) confirms pediatric SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) infection is “mild” & “milder than (non-SARS) seasonal coronavirus (esp/ predominantly OC43) infection”

Full text here: Is SARS-CoV-2 Now More Like the Seasonal Coronaviruses Following Its Evolution_ “Although COVID-19 has been reported to be more severe than sCoV (seasonal coronavirus) infection in adults, the opposite appears to be true in children. (see: Rodriguez-Nava … Continue reading

Oral/Slide Presentation at Public Hearing: “An Evidence-Based Rebuttal of RIDOH’s-Proposed School Masking Regulation LYSENKOISM,” Andrew Bostom, MD, MS, March 15, 2024

Link to pdf file of slides: Mar 15 2024 Hearing Slides

Was Covid Vaccine Lysenkoism Defeated in Tennessee?

—Overdue legal validation of evidence-based decision making about covid vaccination in healthy children Trofim Lysenko believed that acquired traits were inherited, claimed that heredity can be changed by “educating” plants, and denied the existence of genes. Lysenko was supported and … Continue reading