Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

[VIDEO] Dr. Andrew Bostom on CDC ACIP’s disgraceful rejection of evidence-based risk/benefit in recommending covid-19 vaccination be added to routine vaccination schedules: “In low risk (covid-19) populations the risks (of covid-19 vaccination) clearly outweigh the benefits”

Segment from “In The Dugout,” Dr. Andrew Bostom interviewed by Mike Stenhouse of The Ocean State Current,10/20/22 See backgrounder: “After yet another disgraceful rejection of evidence-based risk/benefit (here; here;  here; here; here; here; and especially here), CDC’s ACIP has recommended, unanimously, the addition of … Continue reading

Sobering Reminder: Last Year’s Flu Shot FAILURE That EVEN CDC’s Non-Peer Reviewed House Organ MMWR Had To Acknowledge!

Chung JR, Kim SS, Kondor RJ, et al. Interim Estimates of 2021–22 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness — United States, February 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:365–370. “Overall, vaccine effectiveness (VE) against medically attended outpa­tient ARI associated with influenza … Continue reading

Has RI Gubernatorial Candidate Ashley Kalus (Albeit Less Emphatically) Joined FL Gov Ron Desantis & AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake In Opposing Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination of Children For School Attendance?

After yet another disgraceful rejection of evidence-based risk/benefit (here; here;  here; here; here; here; and especially here), CDC’s ACIP has recommended, unanimously, the addition of COVID-19 vaccines to the routine immunization schedules for children. This both preserves pharmaceutical company immunity from lawsuits, … Continue reading

Connecticut College Covid-19 Delta Outbreak, Aug.-Sept., 2021: 194/199 students covid-19 infected were fully covid-19 vaccinated, with ZERO hospitalizations, or deaths, regardless of vaccination status

Citation: Stephen M Bart, Christina C Curtiss, Rebecca Earnest, Rachel Lobe-Costonis, Hanna Peterson, Caroline McWilliams, Kendall Billig, James L Hadler, Nathan D Grubaugh, Victor J Arcelus, Lynn E Sosa, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Outbreak at a College … Continue reading

Pre-Vaccination Global Covid-19 Infection Fatality Ratio (IFR) From Earliest Strains Was Only 0.07% (7/10,000) Among Those < 70 Years Old, i.e., 94% of World’s Population

“[I]t is reassuring that even in the wild strains that dominated the first year of the pandemic, the IFR in non-elderly individuals was much lower than previously thought…The median IFR was 0.0003% [i.e., 1/333,333] at 0-19 years” Angelo Maria Pezzullo, Cathrine Axfors, Despina G Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Alexandre Apostolatos, John … Continue reading

12 Attorney Generals Demand AG Merrick Garland NOT Investigate & Prosecute Rational Challenges to Unproven, Chemically & Surgically Mutilating “Treatments” For Gender Dysphoria in Children, While Providing an Evidence-Based Rebuttal of AMA, AAP, & CHA “Treatment” Lysenkoism

Data Rebuttal: “Growing concerns about the current treatment of pediatric gender dysphoria make a free and open dialogue urgently necessary. For example, the Florida Medicaid Unit, after reviewing the available medical literature on the use of puberty suppression, cross-sex hormones, … Continue reading

Autopsy Report: Fatal covid-19 mRNA (BNT-Pfizer) vaccine-induced autoimmune myocarditis, arteritis, & acute myocardial infarction in a 55-year-old, with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, but not nucleocapsid protein, in the cardiac tissue

This autopsy report, if independently validated, has profound implications for the putative association between covid-19 mRNA vaccination, in particular with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and the broad development of inflammatory atherothrombotic vascular outcomes, not just myocarditis. Mörz, M. A … Continue reading

Tweet from 1/26/21: During first covid-19 wave, only 17% of Stockholm elder care center “covid-19 deaths” (mean age 86 years old) were true covid-19 deaths, i.e., “before acquiring covid-19, they were in stable condition with limited underlying comorbidity”

Tweet (thread) from 1/26/21; Full Swedish report 1/ Stockholm elderly care home “C19 deaths” mean age 86, with ↑↑ prevalence of dementia:  In only 17% was C19 the predominant cause of death, i.e., before acquiring C19 they were in stable … Continue reading

Study of 32.5K Serbian SARS-CoV-2 infected children, followed March, 2020 through July, 2022: “Pediatric reinfections rarely led to hospitalization (0.5% [after reinfections], vs. 1.3% during primary infections), and none resulted in death.”

Link to preprint. “There were 426 hospitalizations among 32,524 pediatric COVID-19 patients (with primary SARS-CoV-2 infection) in the observed period (1.3%)…Reinfected children [n=964] were rarely hospitalized: only five hospitalizations were recorded (5/964=0.5%), during the sixth and the seventh pandemic wave… … Continue reading

National Indigenous Peoples Day Reminder, 16th century Mexico, “rain offering”: Yearly mass infanticide and cannibalism —“they killed many children…tearing out their hearts…once dead they cooked & ate them”—as described in an eyewitness mid-16th century chronicle

How our “indigenous betters” just to the south ushered in each New Year with mass infanticide—“they killed many children…tearing out their hearts”, & infant cannibalism—“once dead they cooked & ate them”—as described in an eyewitness mid-16th century chronicle From, Bernadino … Continue reading