Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Duke Ellington’s “Queen’s Suite,” Recorded April 4, 1959, & Dedicated to The Late Queen Elizabeth II 0:00 Sunset and the Mocking Bird 3:51 Lightning Bugs and Frogs 6:45 Le Sucrier Velours 9:33 Northern Lights 13:11 The Single Petal of a Rose 17:19 Apes and a Peacocck Backgrounder here, “When Duke Ellington Made a Record for … Continue reading

RIP, Queen Elizabeth II: A Note on Islamic vs. British Imperialism in India

R.C. Majumdar. The history and culture of the Indian people. Vol. 6: the Delhi sultanate, 1960, p. 623 “Whether we look at the intrinsic importance of the posts, or the number of them filled up by the subject people, the … Continue reading

Projo/RIDOH Promote Covid-19 “Bivalent” Vaccine Booster Ignoring The Fact That Its “Scientific Basis” Rests Upon ~10 Mice…All Of Whom Got Infected After Vaccination!

Covid-19 “reporting in Rhode Island is shamelessly biased toward unquestioning pro-vaccine advocacy, i.e., the confessed Ricci Rules for RI media, which disqualify “negative reporting” on vaccines (or masking). Today’s G. Wayne Miller Projo “backgrounder” on the new “bivalent” covid-19 vaccine … Continue reading

Updated: Pfizer mRNA Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis and Myocarditis With Spike Protein Deposition Evident in the Brain and Heart at Autopsy, in the Absence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: “Serious neurological & cardiac complications raise doubt concerning safety of gene-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines”

Full peer reviewed paper has now been published in Vaccines: Moerz_Encepahilits and Myocarditis after C19 mRNA vax in a 77yo Full pdf here: German 77yo with myocarditis brain inflammation and spike protein detectable_preprints202206.0308.v2 Citation: Mörz, M. A Case Report: Multifocal … Continue reading

Peer Reviewed Analysis of Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine Randomized, Controlled Trial Data Finds Excess of Vaccine-Caused Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest, Relative to Covid-19 Hospitalizations Prevented By Vaccination

Full paper pdf here: Fraiman_Excess risk of serious C19 vax SAES vs C19 vax prevented hospitalizations Fraiman, J. Erviti, M. Jones et al., Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults, Vaccine, … Continue reading

Rep. Morgan & 4 RI Doctor’s Point By Point Rebuttal of Brown University’s Reply to Their Letter About The University’s Concealment of a Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Myopericarditis Case, Its Improper Informed Consent Practices, & Its Anti-Scientific Ongoing Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate For Students

In follow-up to these correspondences pdf version of letter: Brown University Reply to Carey 8.31.22 rec link FNL Date: August 31, 2022 To: Mr. Russell Carey Cc: Dr. Christina Paxson Dear Mr. Carey, Thank you for responding to our 8/22/22 … Continue reading

British Columbia, Canada data confirm pandemic pediatric influenza (H1N1, 2009/10) conferred a 6.1 to 12.8-fold increased risk for hospitalization, relative to pediatric covid-19, (2020-21); Seasonal pediatric influenza in (2015/16) and (2016/17) conferred 2.3 to 5.6-fold increased risk for hospitalization, relative to pediatric covid-19, (2020-21).

Solmaz Setayeshgar, James Wilton, Hind Sbihi, Moe Zandy, Naveed Janjua, Alexandra Choi, Kate Smolina. “Comparison of influenza and COVID-19 hospitalizations in British Columbia, Canada: a population-based study.” medRxiv 2022.08.26.22279284; doi:

Rhode Island Covid-19 Positive Tests & Hospitalizations During Late Summer/Early Fall, 2021

RI_Hosps_Cases Aug Sept 2021

Brown Parent Letter June, 2022

Paxsonletter6_2022 _ fully redacted author_son

Memo Demonstrating Rhode Island Attorney General’s Office Was Monitoring My Social Media Posts

Link to Memo Filed in July, 2022: AG monitoring my social media_MISO Protective Order_To file