Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Updated with Brown’s (Non-) “Reply”: RI Rep Patricia Morgan & 4 RI Doctors Call Upon Brown University to Acknowledge a Serious Student Covid-19 Vaccine Injury (Hospitalized Myopericarditis), Engage in Proper Covid-19 Vaccine Informed Consent, & End Mandatory Student Covid-19 Vaccination

Here is Brown’s non-reply “reply” via Russell Carey: Brown Reply_Rep. Patricia Morgan_082622 We note the following, in brief, about this “reply”: Brown is in complete denial. Dr. Cretella called Brown University Student Health & she was told they didn’t have … Continue reading

Covid-19 Vaccine-Associated Myocarditis, Autopsied: A Brief Tabulated Review of the Autopsy Literature

The direct relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and myocarditis remains tenuous at best.  Recent ecological (1), controlled retrospective cohort (2), and autopsy (3) data do not support an association. This overall absence of support for a specific “SARS-CoV-2 myocarditis syndrome” from … Continue reading

Twitter, Ayatollah Khamenei, and Me

Author Salman Rushdie is recovering from a crippling, near lethal knifing attack during a speaking engagement at The Chautauqua Institute this past Friday, August 12, 2022. The alleged “motivation” for Rushdie’s jihadist attacker, Hadi Mattar, was alluded to, in part, … Continue reading

Time For a Myopericarditis-Induced Moratorium on Covid-19 Vaccination in Healthy Children: 2.3% of Thai adolescent schoolchildren (3.5% of males) followed serially after Covid-19 mRNA vaccination developed clinical or subclinical myocarditis/pericarditis

Last June, 6/29/21, Clare Craig and I called for the following U.S. study, with an accompanying moratorium on Covid-19 mRNA vaccination in those under 30 years of age, until the investigation was completed, and the results analyzed: “Immediately, this summer, … Continue reading

UPDATE: Brown University Student Post-Covid-19 Vaccination Myopericarditis Case Was Published Last September, But Now Brown University Cardiology Under “Gag Order” Not to Discuss It

An important update on the Brown University student myopericarditis case described here. Despite an effective “gag order” on discussion of this case (see Brown Cardiology Division Chief email 8/1/22: Poppas email 8.1.22 redacted),  and its implications vis-à-vis Brown University’s ongoing … Continue reading

Attorney James Lawrence Threatens Twitter That I Will Be The Lead Plaintiff In a Breach of Contract Class Action Lawsuit Against Twitter If They Don’t Restore My Account, Wrongfully Suspended For a (Randomized-Controlled Trial) Evidence-Based Tweet on Covid-19 Vaccination of Children and Adults.

Attorney James Lawrence’s tweet, 8/6/22 PM, including letter, with threat of lawsuit: My evidence-based appeal of the “offending” tweet, which twitter rejected. Link to full pdf of letter: Follow-Up Lt to Twitter re Dr. Andrew Bostom 4887-2184-9645 v.1 Text … Continue reading

RIDOH Recommended School Mask Mandates May 19th and 20th, 2022 When Average Primary Covid-19 Pediatric Hospitalizations Were <1 Per Week

An update of this blog. Friday, August 5, 2022 I finally obtained (by Access to Public Records Act request) the data summarized in the image below (and this full pdf: APRA request Only 15 Peds Hosps Feb 13 to June … Continue reading

National French Data*: Among 12-29 year olds, Pfizer/BNT mRNA covid-19 vaccine booster associated with 4.9X increased risk of myocarditis, peaking at 6.0X increased risk <170 days after primary series

(*An extension of this June 25, 2022 report in Nature) Full preprint pdf here: France Booster Myocarditis Figure and Table also include Moderna data, albeit there are no data regarding boostering 12-29 year olds with the Moderna vaccine

Italian (Tuscany area) observational study demonstrates a 27% REDUCTION in myocarditis incidence during the Covid-19 pandemic, relative to the pre-Covid-19 period

See earlier blog, “Covid-19 Myocarditis” is Not an Actual Syndrome: The Only Controlled Epidemiologic Data, & a Review of Autopsy/ Biopsy Data Support That Conclusion” Study Methods Overview “This is a retrospective cohort study examining the incidence and prevalence of … Continue reading

Epoch Times: “Top Former Rhode Island Health Official (i.e., Dr. James “Babar” McDonald) Unaware of Key Studies on Masking, Child Transmission”

Article reproduced below Link By Zachary Stieber July 28, 2022 Updated: July 28, 2022 The doctor who headed the Rhode Island Department of Health and recommended mask mandates be imposed during the pandemic was unaware of recent studies that indicate … Continue reading