Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Full Deposition of James McDonald, MD, 7/7/22, In the Matter of SOUTHWELL vs/ MCKEE, PC 2021-050915

Down load full deposition here: McDonald M.D.James comp1_ 070722.full

My evidence-based, formal appeal to twitter, July 27, 2022: “I was simply interpreting scientific data, and engaging in debate as twitter’s policy encourages.”

This amounts to harassment by twitter. Nothing I said/wrote was demonstrably false—in fact as I outline below, what I wrote was entirely evidence-based. I was simply interpreting scientific data, and engaging in debate as twitter’s policy encourages. Pediatric data, 6 … Continue reading

WPRI’s Erica Ricci demonstrates how to AVOID doing investigative journalism on the Brown University covid-19 vaccine-injury myopericarditis case

Ms. Ricci was given a copy of this audio-video, which I am now making public, to confirm the transcript From: Andy <> Sent: Monday, July 18, 2022 12:08 PM To: ‘Erica Ricci’ <>; Subject: Very disappointed. This was not investigative … Continue reading

Update: FULLY RESTORED! My attorney (& Alex Berenson’s attorney), James R. Lawrence III, to Twitter: “By violating its own COVID-19 misinformation policy, Twitter breached its contract with Dr. Bostom, blocking access to his following and causing damage in the process”

  Full letter, including threat of follow-up litigation, can be read here: Lt to Twitter re Dr. Andrew Bostom

[VIDEO] Dr. Andrew Bostom on Brown U student covid-19 vaccine-induced myopericarditis case: “Brown was given an early risk-benefit warning, & chose just to bury this event”

I was interviewed (embedded below) by Coalition Radio’s peripatetic and indefatigable Pat Ford on July 7, 2022  about this case of covid-19 vaccine-induced myopericarditis in a 20 year old Brown student volunteering at The Miriam Hospital (Providence, RI) during March, … Continue reading

“Covid-19 Myocarditis” is Not an Actual Syndrome: The Only Controlled Epidemiologic Data, & a Review of Autopsy/ Biopsy Data Support That Conclusion

Carforio et al, in a December 2021 review entitled, “Clinically Suspected and Biopsy-Proven Myocarditis Temporally Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection,” noted the severe limitations of published case series and uncontrolled retrospective studies describing a putative covid-19 myocarditis. “In these retrospective studies, … Continue reading

Read Letter: “No College Mandates” Alerts Ivy League Presidents to Brown University’s Silence on a Student’s Post-COVID-19 Vaccination Myopericarditis

Brown University case elaborated here. “No College Mandates” Substack posting of Letter. The recipients and the body of the letter are below. –Dr. Christina Paxson, Brown University –Dr. Lee Bollinger, Columbia University –Dr. Martha Pollack, Cornell University –Dr. Philip Hanlon, … Continue reading

Laurie Gaddis-Barrett: State of RI trying to block release of Dr. McDonald’s deposition during which he referred to children as disease “vectors,” like “mosquitoes,” & again demonstrated his unfamiliarity with the covid medical literature

Laurie’s twitter thread here. Full pdf can be of that thread can be downloaded here: Thread by @laurieinri on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Dr. McDonald Deposed, II: “Disagrees” with peer reviewed data he admits he hadn’t read, debunking his claim children were “key drivers, & “vectors” of SARS-CoV-2 infection

Continuation of 7/7/22 deposition. See earlier post, here. (Piccirilli): “Do you have any evidence that in the last two years of this pandemic that children are key drivers of the pandemic?” (McDonald): “Yes.” [note: but provides none] (Piccirilli): “Are you … Continue reading

Icelandic Pediatric Covid-19, Nationwide: 95.4% of infections were mild/asymptomatic, and no children were hospitalized, through first 3 waves, 2/28/20-8/31/21

Full pdf available here: Icelandic Children No C19 deaths Through three waves of pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection, 2/28/20 to 8/31/21, 95.4% of the pediatric infections (N=1749) were mild (73.9%) , or asymptomatic (21.5%), and “none were hospitalized” “SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Icelandic … Continue reading