Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Impact of Covid-19 Vaccination and Prior Infection in Rhode Island on July-November, 2021”Delta Wave” Covid-19 Infections, Hospitalizations, and Deaths

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) bar chart, below, illustrates how SARS-CoV-2 “delta” became the predominant variant circulating in Rhode Island between July and November, 2021. See link to larger image of bar chart here: Delta wave RI image … Continue reading

[Updated] Over half (52.7%; 29/55) of Rhode Island’s November, 2021 COVID-19 deaths were among the fully vaccinated; Naturally acquired immunity reduced that risk by 20-fold (per 100,000)

Bottom line: There was 1/14th the rate of hospitalization and 1/20th the rate of death, comparing those with natural immunity to covid-19, regardless of vaccination status, to those fully vaccinated Hyperlink to e-mail from Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) … Continue reading

Pediatric polio in Rhode Island, reported by the Newport Daily News, December 16, 1953: 289 cases treated, 15 deaths reported, through October 31, 1953, a 5.2% fatality rate

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Comparing Pediatric Polio Vaccination to Pediatric Covid-19 Vaccination is Lysenkoist Absurdity

“Professor T.D. Lysenko, vice chairman of The Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, and holder of the Order of Lenin, is far ahead of any scientist in the field of genetics. He is, in fact, the only scientist who … Continue reading

The Thin Gruel of Randomized, Controlled Trial Evidence Supporting Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters (and Their Mandated Use)

Also published at The Brownstone Institute (as “The Paucity of Evidence for Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters”) Federal legal challenges have temporarily enjoined the Biden Administration’s sweeping large business, health care worker, and federal contractor covid-19  vaccine mandates. Notwithstanding these injunctions … Continue reading

Judge Lanphear, Your Misguided Decision Upheld RIDOH Covid-19 Lysenkoism, Victimizing Rhode Island Schoolchildren, Part 1

“I had the unusual opportunity of hearing [Trofim] Lysenko lecture, and a conversation with him in 1945…I at first imagined there must be something in Lysenko’s claims. However, the more I heard and read, the clearer it became that Lysenko … Continue reading


SOUTHWELL V. MCKEE, 10/25/21, PLAINTIFFS’ POST-HEARING MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION, link to full pdf of memorandum: brief in support of motion for preliminary injunction_10_25-21

[Corrected] Rhode Island September 2021 Data Reveal “Natural Immunity” Afforded ~90% Greater Protection, Relative to Full Covid-19 Vaccination, Against Covid-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death

Corrected data [see full data and email correspondence links at bottom of this posting] on September 2021 hospitalizations and deaths were just released Tuesday, October 19, 2021 from The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) to Rhode Island state representative … Continue reading

My Certified Rhode Island Superior Court Testimony in Southwell v. McKee on Randomized, Controlled Trial Disproven Community Masking for Respiratory Virus Infection, the Overwhelmingly Mild Nature of Covid-19 in Children, and the Absence of “Dangerous Hospital Over-Utilization” During the “Delta Wave”

Certified Expert Witness Testimony: Slides Merged Dr. Andrew Bostom CV as certified expert witness: AB__CV_10.21 Dr. Bostom clinical trial in Circulation: FAVORIT 2011 Dr. Bostom grant award announcement: Brown FAVORIT award announcement short version Dr. Bostom study of rtPCR cycle … Continue reading

Prior infection, vaccination status, and age-stratified Rhode Island Department of Health, July and August 2021 data on covid-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths sent to Sen. Delacruz and Rep. Chippendale, 8/31/21 and 9/15/21

July 2021 raw Excel spreadsheet data and RIDOH email “cover letter” links provided just below: Hytinen email to Delacruz_Chippendale_8.31.21 (email; 8/31/21) RIDOH_Hytinen_CaseHospDeath_20210831_suppressed (Excel spreadsheet for July 2021)) August 2021 raw Excel spreadsheet data and RIDOH email “cover letter” links provided just … Continue reading