Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

The Answer to Hiskett’s Question, Tragically, is “No!”—30-years ago British scholar of Islam Hiskett asked whether UK political elites had “the moral guts” to defend Western pluralism, v. Sharia, “or will they simply give way, bit by bit & point by point, to insistent & sustained pressure from the Muslim ‘Parliament’”?’

The late respected British scholar of Islam, Dr. Mervyn Hiskett, in his Some to Mecca Turn to Pray, noted then (i.e., in 1993) the prevailing opinion among leaders of the British Muslim community that unless Muslim immigrants to Britain were allowed … Continue reading

Audio & Slide Presentation: Dr. Andrew Bostom Testimony 12/13/23 in a TN covid-19 mRNA vaccination case involving healthy young boys

Link to audio of testimony, here Link to pdf of slide presentation: TN testimony slides  

Early “Red-Green (Marxist-Islamic) Alliance” Jihadism, and Jew-Hatred, from Karl Marx, to the 1929 Hebron Jihadist Pogrom

The concordance between totalitarian Marxist and jihadist Jew-hatred, and their shared aspirations for global hegemony, dates back to the origins of Marxism/Communism. Marxism’s founding Dr. Crankley, Karl Marx, was an annihilationist Jew-hater. Marx wished to extinguish Judaism, and its Jewish adepts—mere embodiments of “usury and … Continue reading

Post-October 7th DEI Monomania Ignores the Pandemic of “Sacralized” Muslim Jew-Hatred

“DEI monomania delimits virtually all current discussion of post-October 7th Antisemitism across a broad ideological spectrum, from Left to Right. Sadly, DEI monomania has become just the latest device to avoid any serious discussion of Islam, and the global pandemic … Continue reading

Slide Presentation for 1/18/24: “October 7th, 2023, & 20-Years of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Survey Data on Extreme Antisemitism,”—Dr. Andrew Bostom

PDF files of slides can be downloaded here: Oct 7th _ADL data 2004_2023 etc

[Video link /Slides] Introductory discussion with Mike Stenhouse, 1/16/24 about my forthcoming 1/18/24 lecture, “October 7th, 2023, & 20-Years of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Survey Data on Extreme Antisemitism”

Link to video of my interview with Mike Stenhouse, here Link to pdf of slides I showed during the interview: Sten 1.16.24. disc slides

Dan McGowan Unmasked: Exposing the Unrepentant Mental & Moral Covid Cretinism of a Prototype Rhode Island Apparatchik “Journalist”

Out of the blue, late this past week, Boston Globe Rhode Island reporter Dan McGowan repeatedly approached attorney Greg Piccirilli about his clients’ legal victory (see here; here) in the long running, but recently settled Southwell v. McKee Rhode Island … Continue reading

Salient Full Text Examples of Dan McGowan’s Covid Opinion “Journalism”

Link (Paywalled):  “It’s time for Governor McKee to show leadership on mandating masks in schools” McGowan, Dan. Boston Globe (Online); Boston. 17 Aug 2021.  Full PDF: McGowan Aug 21 Link (Paywalled): “Yes, Rhode Island needs another mask mandate” McGowan, Dan. … Continue reading

Rabbi Shmuley, Meet Habib Umar bin Hafiz, the Rabidly Jew-Hating “World’s Most Influential Muslim”

Pop culture icon Rabbi Shmuley Boteach recorded, then recounted, a harrowing interaction with a run-of-the-mill Muslim family in New York City’s Times Square, Christmas eve. The Rabbi was accosted by a young Muslima who recognized him, and told him to … Continue reading

Yemenite Jewry under the Sharia through the Jews’ mass exodus after 1948: “the Jew, like an object or a camel, is excluded from human justice. His disappearance (by murder) is felt as a deprivation for his Arab master, who obtains retribution by depriving another Arab of his Jewish asset (by another Jew murder)”

“Judging by Arabic sources, the Jews of South Arabia were . . . dealt with . . . in fairly strict accordance with the shariah relating to the protected faiths . . . [for example] Outside the centralized Yemenite administration … Continue reading