Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination for Previously SARS-CoV-2 Infected Rhode Island Healthcare Workers Yields an (Unacceptable) Risk / “Benefit” Ratio of Eighty to One: A Published Evidence-Based Estimate, Confirmed by Rhode Island Department of Health July, 2021 Data

When assessing quantitatively the benefit/risk (or risk/benefit) ratio for any therapeutic intervention, two simple numerical standards are employed: the number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent a single health outcome of interest, and the number needed to harm (NNH), or … Continue reading

Rhode Island Department of Health, July 2021, Data Reveal Prior Covid-19 Infection in the Unvaccinated (Natural Immunity)~8.5-Fold More Protective Against New Covid-19 Infections, and ~1.5-Fold More Protective Against Covid-19 Hospitalizations, Vs. Full Vaccination, Without Prior Infection

Links to full RIDOH Excel spread sheet and cover letter. KEY FINDINGS AND SUMMARY POINTS 1) 29% [617/2127] of Rhode Island July, 2021 covid-19 infections occurred among those fully vaccinated, but with no prior infection history. (30% of all new … Continue reading

Prior infection, vaccination status, and age-stratified Rhode Island Department of Health, July 2021 data on covid-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths sent to Sen. Delacruz and Rep. Chippendale, 8/31/21

July 2021 raw Excel spreadsheet data and RIDOH email “cover letter” links provided below. Hytinen email to Delacruz_Chippendale_8.31.21 (email; 8/31/21) RIDOH_Hytinen_CaseHospDeath_20210831_suppressed (Excel spreadsheet)

Almost Arrested Testimony: Annotated text of my 8/10/21 presentation opposing abusive, randomized trial disproven masking of schoolchildren before the East Green(wit)ch Rhode Island School Board

FULL PRESENTATION pdf can be viewed and downloaded here: Bostom EG presentation 8.10.21 Last evening (8/10/11) I attempted to present unhysterical, evidence-based data to the East Greenwich Rhode Island School Board. It was often a disturbing experience, and I was … Continue reading

{Addended] Plaintiffs to Appeal: Indiana Federal Judge, Acting as Judge-Advocate For Indiana University, Denies Preliminary Injunction to Halt Indiana University Vaccine Mandate While Incurious About Lack of Covid-19 Risk to Students (Did Not Insist IU Present Those Data), and Trivializing Unnecessary Vaccine Risks To Undergraduate/Graduate Age Groups

Just learned plaintiffs will appeal decision Res Ipsa Loquitur “decision”. The judge was effectively an advocate for Indiana University. He did not insist the University, in conjunction with the Indiana Department of Health, make an evidence-based case by providing the … Continue reading

Dr. Andrew Bostom: “How College COVID Vaccine Mandates Put Students in Danger”, Interview 7/9/21

Burgeoning Evidence of Myopericarditis After Covid-19 Vaccination in Young People: A Call For Acknowledgment, Pause, and Serious Study

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS] (1) is a passive or “spontaneous” Centers For Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] and U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] vaccine safety and monitoring system (2). Designed primarily for “safety signal detection,” VAERS … Continue reading

Why Collegiate Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Lysenkoist Anti-Science

Link to full pdf version of this essay: Why Collegiate Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Lysenkoist United States covid-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates continue to plummet nationally (i). These positive trends are consistent with the expansion of natural herd immunity conferred by those who … Continue reading

Petition To FDA From 25+ Physician and Public Health Clinician/Researchers: “FDA should not prematurely grant a license to any COVID-19 vaccine until all necessary efficacy and safety studies are completed and substantial evidence demonstrates the benefits of an individual COVID-19 vaccine product outweigh the harms for the indicated, recipient population”

Link to pdf of full document: FDA Petition-2021-P-0521-0001_attachment_1 KEY ELEMENTS OF THE PETITION “ In this petition, we outline efficacy and safety measures that must be met before serious consideration is given to granting a BLA of any COVID-19 vaccine. … Continue reading

My 6/3/21 discussion with WPRO’s Matt Allen on taking masks off Rhode Island schoolchildren and the ill-advised push to covid-19 vaccinate healthy ≤ 30 year olds given Hadassah Medical Center hard data that post-covid-19 mRNA vaccine myocarditis in 16-30 year old males was ≥ 5X the background rate

 Twitter Thread “backgrounder” on discussion 1/ Dr. @andrewbostom w/@wpro’s #MattAllen 6/3/21 on taking masks off RI schoolchildren & ill-advised push to C19 vax healthy ≤30yos given Hadassah Med Ctr hard data that post-C19 mRNA vax myocarditis in 16-30yo males … Continue reading