Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Muslim Antisemitism By The Numbers: A Pandemic of “Sacred” Hate

Concurrent with Israel’s military response to the latest wave of Hamas’s jihad terror—rocket and mortar  salvos targeting its civilian areas—the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued a May 20, 2021 press lease chronicling “a dangerous and drastic surge in anti-Jewish hate right … Continue reading

My 5/25/21 Discussion With The Blaze TV’s Steve Deace About Evidence-Based Risk/Benefit For Covid-19 Vaccination In Low Covid-19 Risk Populations And Individuals

Frank Discussion With The Blaze TV’s Steve Deace About How Institutional Islam And Its Koranic Glosses (eg., on Koran 5:82), Embodied By Sunni Islam’s Vatican Al-Azhar, And Is Grand Imam Papal Equivalent, Grand Imam Al-Tayeb, Drive The Pandemic Of Muslim Antisemitism

Brief backgrounder here, and elaborate, meticulously researched tome analysis of the subject here. 

Sunni Islam’s Antisemitic Papal Equivalent Ignores Hamas’ Jihad Terror, But Condemns “Zionist Terrorism”

Two weeks ago, 5/10/21, Israel was in the midst of responding militarily to the latest spate of Hamas’ doctrinal jihad terrorism—continuous rocket and mortar barrages from Gaza targeting civilian areas in Israel. Sunni Islam’s leading clerical figure, Al-Azhar University Grand … Continue reading

Downloadable Template For Rhode Islanders Seeking Medical Exemption To Covid-19 Vaccination Based Upon Documented Previous SARS-CoV-2 Infection (link to pdf form)

Link to pdf form, which includes this medical exemption rationale (click on link): Template for Seeking Medical Exemption to C19 Vaccination Based upon Prior Immunity “Natural immunity afforded by prior covid-19 infection is at least as robust and perhaps longer … Continue reading

Dr. Andrew Bostom, in Support of Rhode Island Bill to Ban Covid-19 Vaccine Passports, Provides Hard Data on Convalescent Immunity to Covid-19, and “Asymptomatic Transmission” [Audio/Text/References]

 The following very understated, self-explanatory comment is from a CDC document entitled, “Questions & Answers: Vaccine Against 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus”: “If you have had 2009 H1N1 flu, as confirmed by an RT-PCR test, you should have some immunity … Continue reading

Dr. Andrew Bostom Discusses The Unfavorable Risk-Benefit Ratio Of Covid-19 Vaccination Of Very Low Covid-19 Risk 12 to 17-Year Olds With Pfizer’s Emergency Use Authorization-Only mRNA Vaccine

A May 12, 2021 call-in discussion with WPRO’s Matt Allen. After our discussion, I learned that CDC “found” another severe adverse event within the placebo group (between yesterday 5/11/21 [p.27] and today 5/12/21 [p.41] event in the Pfizer vaccine trial … Continue reading

Bruno et al. “SARS-CoV-2 mass vaccination: Urgent questions on vaccine safety that demand answers from international health agencies, regulatory authorities, governments and vaccine developers”

Link to fully annotated pdf: Bruno et al. Vaccine Safety Urgent Manuscript Preprint May 8 2021 Abstract “Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, the race for testing new platforms designed to confer immunity against SARS-CoV-2, has been rampant and … Continue reading

Gov Raimondo 4/16/20 praising Brown University “modelers” who overestimated by 6- to 11-fold the actual peak (n=375) spring 2020 covid-19 hospital census & are still “modeling” the useless “mask mandate” & other lingering restrictions

Educating Rhode Island’s Two Dogmatic Dans, McKee And Yorke, On The Uniformly Negative Randomized Controlled Trial Data—Nothing “Theoretical”—Which Have Established The Futility Of Non-Medical Masking For The Prevention Of Respiratory Viral Infections, Including Covid-19

Background is reviewed here, here: Also see figure below embedded interview clip for those enamored of “observational” data