Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Americans Must Disregard Fauci’s Covid-19 Pediatric Panic Porn

Dr. Anthony Fauci, eminence grise Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is America’s most prominent and vocal advocate of continued covid-19 “lockdown” policies. Inured to Dr. Fauci’s strident promotion of such draconian lockdowns, it was … Continue reading

(Updated thru 5/7/20) Covid19 Lethality: Unhysterical Data Are Emerging

—CDC itself in its “COVIDView” as of 5/1/20  maintains covid19 hospitalization rates are directly comparable in those > 65 years old to “ recent high severity influenza seasons”, and for children (0-17 years old) “much lower than influenza hospitalization rates … Continue reading

Chloroquine (CQ): From malaria prophylaxis to covid19 prophylaxis?

Might/Should this be offered to healthcare workers as a “chronic”/daily regimen while they deal with the covid19 epidemic (analogous to lupus patients who take CQ chronically for anti-inflammatory benefits), or very short term for one high risk exposure to covid19–say … Continue reading

Omar Suleiman, Interfaith Dialogue “Icon”, Is A Sharia Supremacist And Islamic Jew-Hater [VIDEO]

Imam Omar Suleiman gave a U.S. Congressional invocation May 9, 2019, and just participated in a high profile “inter-faith dialogue” event Thursday March 5, 2020, at North Carolina State University, with J.D. Greear of  the Southern Baptist Convention. Both the … Continue reading

Asma Uddin Abets Hateful Sharia Supremacism in America

Self-described “lawyer specializing in religious freedom,” Asma Uddin was recently afforded an opportunity to speak to the annual convention of  the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). Due to a clerical error, a building grassroots movement called “Save The Persecuted Christians” (STPC) … Continue reading

Mainstream Muslim Sharia Supremacism In The U.S.: Illustrative “Fatwas” For American Muslims By The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA)

The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA) maintains the organization was, “…founded to provide guidance for Muslims living in North America…AMJA is a religious organization that does not exploit religion to achieve any political ends, but instead provides practical solutions … Continue reading

Audio/Transcript: “Islam, The Pandemic Of Muslim Antisemitism, And Failed Jewish ‘Leadership’”

[Note: Text of my 10-minute talk in Nashville TN, Thursday Feb 27, 2020, during a Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, Panel on Antisemitism, at The National Religious Broadcasters Convention.] Islamic Law, Sharia, per Koran 9:29—the 9th sura or chapter, the … Continue reading

Wilders Agonistes Decries The Canonical Islam Fueling Western European Jew-Hatred

The Dutch CIDI (Centrum Informatie En Documentatie Israel) annual report for 2019 just released Monday 2/17/20, recorded 182 Antisemitic incidents, its highest number ever registered since 1982, when monitoring began. This figure represented a 35% increase from 2018. Even the … Continue reading

Bostom Interview: How “Abrahamic Dialogue” Abets Christian Persecution And Israel’s Destruction

 Andrew Bostom interviewed by Janet Mefferd, February 13, 2020 The discussion is based upon materials posted at Dr. Bostom’s blog: “Abrahamism” Abets Genocidal Christian Persecution, and Israel’s Destruction; The “Abrahamic Faiths Initiative” Is Submission To Islam; and Frontpage … Continue reading

“Abrahamism” Abets Genocidal Christian Persecution, and Israel’s Destruction

The embrace of “Abrahamism” as an overarching paradigm for interfaith dialogue, epitomized by the U.S. Department of State-supported Abrahamic Faiths Initiative, is fraught with existential dangers for Christians and Jews. At its core, Abrahamism is unabashed theological Islamic supremacism—rooted in … Continue reading