Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Seattle Area Mosque Apes Muhammad’s Koranic Jew-Hatred

Mohamed Joban, current full-time imam at Masjid Ar-Ramah in the Seattle suburb of Redmond, WA, received his M.A. in Islamic Studies at Sunni Islam’s Vatican for religious education, Al-Azhar University. He is also president of the Imam Fatwa (religious edict) … Continue reading

Jihad and Jew-Hatred in America: Incessant Muslim Targeting of U.S. Jews, Post 9/11—A Tabulation

Muhammad Alshamrani, the Pensacola Naval Air Station jihadist killer, appears to have been motivated, in part, by Al Qaeda’s, and the global Muslim umma’s, obsession with the jihad against Israel. Just prior to the Friday 12/7/19 attack, Alshamrani’s alleged twitter … Continue reading

Iranian Koran Scholar: Apply Koran 5:33 to Protesters, i.e., Crucifixion , Amputation, Banishment

Abolfazl Bahrampour, is a prominent Iranian Koran scholar, and author of the widely respected “One Volume Commentary on the Koran,” (in Farsi, Qom, 2007). Interviewed on Iran’s state run television network during its daily “Eastern Sun” program, Tuesday, November 26, 2019, Bahrampour … Continue reading

Muhammad and the Banu Qurayza: The Bloody, Living Legacy of Islam’s Willing Jew-Executioner, and Meshugga “prophet”

“And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them (the disbelievers) Allah brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you … Continue reading

ADL 2019 Data: Extreme Antisemitism Among Western European Muslims “Almost Three Times” National Rates

Yesterday, November 21, 2019, the ADL released its 2019 survey data on the prevalence (occurrence) of extreme Antisemitism (defined, below) within 18 countries assessed between April 15 and June 3, 2019. Six of these countries—Belgium, The United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, … Continue reading

Toll of global jihad terror attacks between October 11 and November 9, 2019

Thanks to the indefatigable Religion of Peace website.  In the 30 calendar days from October 11 through November 9, 2019, there were (at least) 90 Islamic jihadist attacks in 20 countries, across the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Western Europe, … Continue reading

How ADL Negates The Pandemic Of Muslim Antisemitism (And Its Own Findings!) [With Video]

 Absent significant cognitive dissonance, anyone keeping abreast of the ongoing global jihad carnage—from Afghanistan to India to Yemen—even Germany—would not be surprised that “white supremacist” killings remain a marginal epiphenomenon. Just in the past 30 calendar days through November 2, … Continue reading

Four Murderous Attacks On Jews By Muslims In The US Since 9/11, With 6 Killed

Tabulated by the indispensable Religion of Peace: *Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Death Penalty Appeal Set “The FBI said Todashev implicated himself and Tamerlan (Tsarnaev) in the 2011 murder of three Waltham men.” * Court: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pal offered testimony … Continue reading

Jihad Terror Attacks In the Past 30-Days Through 11/2/19

Tabulated by the indispensable Religion of Peace. Link to pdf listing of the attacks: Last 30 days jihad terror

(VIDEO) Andrew Bostom: “Sharia ‘Thirst’, Christian Persecution, & Islamic Antisemitism” Center For Security Policy Briefing 10/24/19

 Link to full slide set in video (below) Comp_LT2_CSP Pres_10.24.19 for video Introductory remarks: Relevance of the 9/11 jihad carnage to my study of Islam The 9/11 attacks were the triggering event which inspired my 18-years of study of … Continue reading