Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

At NYC Rally, Mort Klein Identifies The Scourge of Islamic Antisemitism in America, Demands U.S. Imams Preaching Annihilationist Jew-Hatred Be Condemned And Fired [VIDEO/TRANSCRIPT]

Mort Klein’s statements made at this Manhattan rally against Antisemitism, Sunday, September 22, 2019. [Embedded video, followed by hperlink-referenced transcript] “It pains me to say that an ADL (Anti-Defamation League, 2017) survey shows that 34%–according to the ADL—of Muslims in … Continue reading

The 2019 “Muslim Man Of The Year”, The Antisemitism Envoy, and The Pandemic of Muslim Antisemitism

Appositely, Columbia University Jewish students are protesting the slated appearance of “proud” Jew-hating Malaysian Muslim Prime Minister Mahathir ibn Mohamad, Wednesday, September 25th at Columbia’s World Leadership Forum. Their protest petition references a comment this bigoted Muslim head of state … Continue reading

Sanders’ Keynote Validates ISNA’s Sharia Totalitarian “Vision” For America

Monday evening September 9, 2019, I happened to watch secular Muslim Asra Nomani discussing her recent experience attending  the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) conference with Laura Ingraham on the Ingraham Angle. Ms. Nomani (below) displayed two books being … Continue reading

Prompted, Elan Carr Becomes 1st US Special Envoy On Antisemitism To Acknowledge The Disproportionate, Global Pandemic Of Muslim Antisemitism [VIDEO/TRANSCRIPT]

“Virtually all of the violence against Jews in Western Europe has been from the Arab [Muslim] and [broader] Muslim population—virtually all.”—Elan Carr U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Elan Carr, participated in a panel discussion of Antisemitism Tuesday … Continue reading

Never Forget: “Ecumenical” 9/11 Al-Azhar Imam of Manhattan’s Largest Islamic Center Was Viscerally Anti-American and Rife With Islamic Jew-Hatred

Since its founding in 973 C.E., Al Azhar University (and its mosque) have represented the apogee of Islamic religious education, which evolved into the de facto Vatican of Sunni Islam. Egyptian Sheikh Muhammad Al-Gameia, the Al-Azhar University representative in the … Continue reading

Mo Brooks Agonistes: Congress’ Lone Truth-teller On Islam And Muslim Antisemitism

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) stands alone, tragically, amongst all his Congressional colleagues from either party, in speaking with gimlet-eyed candor on the doctrinal jihadist bigotry of mainstream Islam. Shortly after the jihad carnage wrought by jihadist (“call me mujahideen”) Omar … Continue reading

Dennis MacEoin’s Dishonest Teeth (G)Nash-er, “Muslims Against Antisemitism”

It is common knowledge to every schoolboy and even every Bachelor of Arts, That all sin is divided into two parts. One kind of sin is called a sin of commission, and that is very important, And it is what … Continue reading

From Hebron 1929 to Tlaib-Omar 2019: The Jew-Hating, Jihadist-Marxist Alliance

Ninety years ago, late August, 1929, the U.S. Beatrice Daily Sun (Beatrice, Nebraska), proclaimed,  “MOSLEMS SATE BLOOD LUST.  Even Little Children Die By Knife in Jehad” (Aug. 29, 1929; p.8). This brief report conveyed with grisly accuracy the Arab Muslim … Continue reading

Martin Dies on Early Communist Infiltration of FDR’s New Deal, Punctuated By Recognition of the Soviet Union, and the Character Assassination of Anti-Communist Educator and Truthteller, William Wirt

Texas Congressman Martin Dies (d. 1972) was an intrepid investigator of both Fascist and Communist subversion in the U.S during the 1930s and 1940s, having established the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1938. From, Martin dies’ story. New York, … Continue reading

[VIDEO] Andrew Bostom: “The Rising Scourge of Islamic Antisemitism”, July 30, 2019

Dr. Andrew Bostom gave a presentation for the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Tuesday, July 30, 2019, entitled, “The Rising Scourge of Islamic Antisemitism”. Dr. Bostom summarized extensive, and unprecedented Anti-Defamation League (ADL) survey data revealing the current disproportionate 2.0 … Continue reading