Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

“MOSLEMS SAY PEACE WITH ISRAEL WOULD BE SACRILEGIOUS,” Chicago Tribune, January 11, 1956, p.24).; “PEACE WITH ISRAEL SACRILEGIOUS, SAY LEADERS OF MOSLEMS,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 11, 1956, p.1

“MOSLEMS SAY PEACE WITH ISRAEL WOULD BE SACRILEGIOUS,” Chicago Tribune, January 11, 1956, p.24).; “PEACE WITH ISRAEL SACRILEGIOUS, SAY LEADERS OF MOSLEMS,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 11, 1956, p.1

Rocky Mountain Low—Teaching Koranic Jew-Hatred to Muslim Children in Colorado

One would have hoped the brutal October 7th jihad carnage of Jews in southern Israel—animated by Hamas’ genocidal Jew-hatred—would beget at least transient denunciations of Hamas, and its Islamic ideology, from the largest swath of the American Muslim community. Collective … Continue reading

Vasily Grossman on Antisemitism from 1959: “a mirror for the failings of individuals, social structures, & State systems. Tell me what you accuse Jews of—I’ll tell you what you’re guilty of.”

Vasily Grossman. “Life and Fate : A Novel”, 1985, (originally published in 1959), Internet Archive, Chapter 32, pp. 484-487. Antisemitism can take many forms—from a mocking contemptuous ill-will to murderous pogroms. Antisemitism can be met with in the market and … Continue reading

Desantis and Palestinian Muslim Antisemitism

Florida Governor, and GOP POTUS candidate, Ron Desantis, did not mince words during a 10/15/21 Face The Nation interview: “We cannot accept people from Gaza into this country as refugees.” But it was Desantis’ clarification as to why that has … Continue reading

Negating The Legacy of Jihad in (Historical) Palestine (originally published 2007)

Full essay can be downloaded here: Negating the Legacy of Jihad in Palestine

WPRO’s Matt Allen: Local Rhode Island Media Succumbed to “Social Pressure” Not To Question Covid-19 Pandemic Response

Matt Allen: “I spoke to a couple of (Rhode Island) journalist types during the pandemic, & I’d say to them, ‘Why don’t you ask questions (about dubious pandemic measures like lockdowns, social distancing, & masking, etc.) of these public health … Continue reading

APRA request for rationale & follow-up evaluation of miserably failed, hysterical RIDOH/Brown University April 16, 2020 “covid-19 hospitalization models” that needlessly begot extended irrational, draconian “covid-19 restrictions” in Rhode Island

Link to pdf of APRA request: APRA req 9.17.23_2

Why is the Rhode Island Department of Health Still Irrationally Targeting School Children with Anti-Scientific Covid-19 “Masking and Testing” Policies?

One of the consistent mercies of the SARS-CoV-2 “covid-19 pandemic,” even at its most virulent initial stages, has been the paucity of serious disease in children generally, and healthy children, universally. Covid-19 always was and remains a very highly age– … Continue reading

Reminder of Excess U.S. Pediatric Influenza Vs. Covid-19 Mortality Comparing “Pandemic” & Seasonal Years

Link to pdf version of these contents: Peds Mort Flu v. C19 US since 2009 [Through 9/6/23; *Adjusted for CDC 35% over counting of covid-19 pediatric deaths by death certificate review, i.e., “COVID-19 with no plausible chain of event”, … Continue reading

[Audio]: My 9/6/23 discussion with WPRO’s Matt Allen about masks, Fauci, The Cochrane Review, & masking randomized controlled trials

Audio Link