Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Updated through December 31, 2022: RSV Accounted for 90% of Rhode Island Pediatric “Tripledemic” Hospitalizations in October and November

Updated through December 31, 2022; same sources Link to pdf of Table, above: Tripledemic update pdf Already by the last week of October, 2022 (here; here; here), continuing through November (here), and early December (here; here), local Rhode Island media … Continue reading

Challenging the “Rationale” for UConn’s Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Mandate [with Audio]

This past March 30, 2022, the Connecticut State Colleges and University (CSCU) System, which comprises Connecticut’s 17 public colleges and universities, apart from the University of Connecticut (UConn), proclaimed, regarding covid-19 vaccination, “Vaccines are no longer mandated for students or employees … Continue reading

Freedom of Information request filed at UConn for “[s]imple, deidentified raw number tallies comparing students hospitalized for covid-19 lower respiratory tract infection, vs. those hospitalized for a serious adverse event after covid-19 vaccination”

Link to pdf of request: UConn FOI req pdf highlighted

“Decency” Denseness—Educating Rhode Island’s James Woods, and other conservatives, about Joseph Welch, Joseph McCarthy, and Frederick Fisher

Friday night, December 2, 2022, Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk released emails demonstrating the company’s prior explicit collusion with Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story. Musk chose reporter Matt Taibbi to disseminate these emails … Continue reading

Link to full pdf of M. Stanton Evans, “On Not Having Any Decency,” chapter 42 of his magnum opus, “Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy”

Link to full pdf of M. Stanton Evans, “On Not Having Any Decency,” chapter 42 of his magnum opus, “Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy” Evans chap 42 OnNotHavingAnyDecency

New York Times 4/16/1954 story on U.S. Army counsel Joseph Welch’s outing of Frederick G. Fisher as a member of the Communist front National Lawyer’s Guild, & Welch’s relieving Fisher of duty as his assistant counsel

Link to full pdf of NY Times story: Welch Fired Fisher Before ArmyMcCarthy Hearings_nyt_4.16.1954 Highlights of 4/16/1954 NY Times story featuring Fisher’s photograph,  and demonstrating how Army counsel Welch both outed Fisher, while relieving Fisher of duty as his assistant … Continue reading

AG Herbert Brownell’s 8/27/1953 Speech to the ABA designating The National Lawyer’s Guild as a subversive, Communist front, & the speech’s 8/28/1953 highlighting in the New York Times

Key extract from the speech: “We have been studying evidence that the National Lawyers Guild be included in the list of subversive organizations…I am now prepared to make this determination public. It has been clear that at least since 1946 … Continue reading

Authors of just published RCT showing N95 masks are no more “effective” than medical masks in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection demonstrate how the prevailing iron-fisted, pro-mask bias warps contemporary academic messaging

A randomized, controlled trial (RCT) among health care workers comparing fit-tested N95 masks (n=507), to medical masks (n=497) just published 11/29/22 in the pre-eminent internal medicine journal Annals of Internal Medicine, found SARS-CoV-2 infection rates did not differ between the … Continue reading

Seven first trimester miscarriages associated with covid-19 mRNA vaccination among Rhode Island women that merit serious follow-up investigation by RIDOH’s “Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Unit”

Sixty-six doctors, scientists and clinical practitioners have just penned an open letter to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) expressing concerns about “ignoring safety signals” … Continue reading

Small RCT in 1981 showed masking did not prevent RSV among medical personnel

Murphy D, Todd JK, Chao RK, Orr I, McIntosh K. The use of gowns and masks to control respiratory illness in pediatric hospital personnel. J Pediatr. 1981 Nov;99(5):746-50. doi: 10.1016/s0022-3476(81)80401-5. PMID: 7299552; PMCID: PMC7173004. Full pdf link Downloadable pdf permalink: … Continue reading