Author Archives: Andrew Bostom

Enormous Rhode Island Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Spike in 2022, vs. 2018-2021

Data from RIDOH data hub for RSV

Current CDC-Determined Connecticut Pediatric RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Hospitalization Rate (19.8/100K) Exceeds by 63% the Peak Pandemic Covid-19 Pediatric Hospitalization Rate (12.2/100K)

(See this previous blog about pediatric Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vs. Covid-19 in Rhode Island.) RSV vs. Covid-19 hospitalization rates (per 100,000) as determined by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveillance networks, RSV-NET and COVIDNet. It is … Continue reading

Betcha Didn’t Know RIDOH Maintains, “A (Covid-19) vaccine surveillance team within the COVID-19 ‘Epidemiological Operations Unit’ to maintain and review VAERS reports following COVID-19 immunization”

During a 6/29/22 to 7/1/22 email exchange with the Rhode Island Department of Health’s (RIDOH’s) spokesman, Joseph Wendelken, I pointed to a 6/9/22 published report of 14 RI cases of post-covid-19 vaccine myopericarditis in young men, and the May, 2021 newspaper account of … Continue reading

Never Forget the Original Covid-19 Hysterical Sin in Rhode Island: The April 16, 2020 Raimondo, RIDOH, Brown University “Very Best” Covid-19 Hospitalization “Models”

Full 4/16/20 presser archived at C-SPAN. Key excerpts: “It’s been a collaborative effort with the (Rhode Island) Department of Health [RIDOH], our own experts, Brown University, and Brown University’s Policy Lab. By the way, I wanna give a huge shout … Continue reading

(AUDIO) WPRO 10/26/22 Interview: Ashley Kalus Categorically Rejects Potential RIDOH Directed Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement “as a condition to go to school”

Full 10/26/22 interview with WPRO’s Matt Allen available here. Relevant excerpt: Transcript of key portion. Matt Allen: “Would you support a (Rhode Island) Department of Health Director, under a Kalus administration, requiring the covid vaccine as a condition to go … Continue reading

More Autopsy Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 Infection, “Covid-19,” Does NOT Cause A Specific Myocarditis Syndrome

See this prior blog: “’Covid-19 Myocarditis’” is Not an Actual Syndrome: The Only Controlled Epidemiologic Data, & a Review of Autopsy/ Biopsy Data Support That Conclusion” Reference: Ali Razaghi, Attila Szakos, Riham Al-Shakarji, Mikael Björnstedt & Laszlo Szekely (2022) Morphological … Continue reading

NY State Supreme Court, Richmond County (Staten Island), reinstates all fired (covid-19) unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious, notes: “Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.”

  NYS court opinion: “Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.” Link to full opinion pdf upload Via Lawyer Marina Medvin: NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the … Continue reading

Rhode Island Pediatric Covid-19 “Delta Wave Hysteria” Last Fall vs. Current Barely Noticed 5X Greater (At Least) Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Hospitalization Rate

Today’s (10/25/22)  Projo features medical reporter savant G. Wayne Miller quoting Lifespan spokeswoman Kelly Brennan, that as of Monday (10/24/22) “there are [were] 20 pediatric patients in Hasbro Children’s Hospital with RSV, and half of the pediatric patients in the … Continue reading

Open Schools During Covid-19 in Sweden, Yielding “No learning loss in Sweden during the pandemic” vs. Anti-Scientific, Hysterical Covid-19 “Response” Causing Closed Schools in the U.S., Yielding “historic learning setbacks for America’s children”

See earlier blog on Sweden, , which includes these data: “No learning loss in Sweden during the pandemic: Evidence from primary school reading assessments” Compare to unnecessarily closed schools policies across the  U.S.: “New national test results show that … Continue reading

Through mid-March, 2022, n=122 fatal myocarditis or pericarditis cases (~0.78% of the total cases) after covid-19 mRNA vaccination, including 5 among those under 18 years old, were recorded in the spontaneous reporting systems of the U.S. and Europe

Through mid-March, 2022, the number of fatal myocarditis or pericarditis cases after covid-19 vaccination totaled 122 (=~0.78% of the total ~15,702 cases documented), as recorded by the spontaneous reporting systems in the U.S. and Europe.  Five of these cases occurred … Continue reading