Category Archives: Essays

Dr. Johannes J.G. Jansen, ‘Religious Roots of Muslim Violence’, 2011

The late Dr. Johannes J.G. Jansen (d. May 5, 2015) was perhaps the greatest modern Dutch scholar of Islam. “Hans” was also a friend whose wit and intellectual courage are dearly missed. This essay is posted for those still in … Continue reading

Deportation of Dr. Rasha Alawieh is Justified —Retired 20-year Brown University Division of Kidney Disease Faculty, Dr. Andrew Bostom, explains why

Demonstration in support of deported Hasan Nasrallah champion, Dr. Rasha Alawieh, Monday, May 17, 2025, at the Rhode Island State Capitol Building. Presumably Muslim women in hijabs, holding a green banner with white Arabic lettering that reads, “From Gaza to … Continue reading

VIDEO: Dr. Andrew Bostom “UNDERSTANDING THE PANDEMIC OF MODERN ANTISEMITISM,” Lecture, Providence Public Library, Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Video embedded below. Link to video here Link to slide presentation pdf: Prov_Rocham Presented 31225-compressed Lecture Summary Demonstration that Muslim Antisemitism is the major source of contemporary Jew-hatred as revealed by two decades of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) (& other corroborating) … Continue reading

Video: Ahistorical LUNACY Preached at the Islamic Center of RI Fri 2/28/25: Pre-Columbian mosque in the Caribbean; Muslim chief of the Cherokee nation in 1866; Allegheny Mtns=”Allah Ghani”, “Allah is rich”; Muslims sailed to Hawaiian Islands & gave Arabic names to Hawaii (after “Hawa”, “air”) & Honolulu (after “Hunalulu,” “here are pearls”)

 Segment 1 text “When Columbus…What year did Columbus sail the world? Came to this area. It says 1492, Columbus came to this area. So, when Columbus came, he found so many artifacts here in America that proved that the … Continue reading

Addended: Rhode Island Legislators Must Revise An “Islamophobia” Resolution That References Two DISPROVEN “Islamophobic Shootings”

Last February, 2024, a Rhode Island House resolution on “Islamophobia” was passed referencing two alleged “Islamophobic shooting” incidents involving individuals connected to the state, Mustafa Ramos, and Hisham Awartani. Introduced by Representatives Ajello, Ackerman, Tanzi, Sanchez, Felix, Potter, Cruz, Boylan, … Continue reading

“Islamophobic Mosque Shooting,”…Or Violent Dispute Between Muslims, Each With A History Of Serious Drug-Related Crimes?

  After more than a week of criminal investigation following a shooting outside the Islamic Center of Rhode Island (ICRI), in Providence, RI, Providence police Maj. David Lapatin was reticent to declare the incident a hate crime, stating “To say … Continue reading

UPDATE-Same sura (v. 17:4) recently invoked by Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman: More Preaching of “Sacralized” Islamic Jew-Hatred (and Risible, Negationist Modern “History”) From The Rhode Island Mosque Which Promoted A Sham “Islamophobic Hate Crime Shooting”

UPDATE: Abu Obeida, spokesman for Hamas’ Al-Qassam Military Brigades opened a recent pronouncement with the same baleful, Jew-hating Qur’anic reference to sura 17, specifically verse  17:4, invoked by the imam at the Islamic Center of Rhode Island. Sermon excerpts also … Continue reading

Three days before Christmas, 2023, “ecumenical” Islamic Center of Rhode Island mosque sermon invoked the MUSLIM JESUS, “ISA,” as the MUSLIM DESTROYER OF CHRISTIANITY

12/22/23, three days before Christmas, 2023, “ecumenical” Islamic Center of Rhode Island mosque sermon invoked the MUSLIM JESUS, “ISA,” as the MUSLIM DESTROYER OF CHRISTIANITY, WHO WILL CONVERT ALL CHRISTIANS TO ISLAM & RULE THEM BY THE SHARIA, per canonical … Continue reading

RI Mosque Invents “Islamophobic Shooting,” While Preaching Jihad and Jew-Hatred

Late comedian Norm MacDonald, once joked (video; encapsulated on his X and Facebook accounts): “What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?” Investigative journalist Daniel … Continue reading

Rhode Island Mosque Sermon: “Cursed, Prophet-Killing Jews,” True to Their Immutable Qur’anic Nature, Are Committing Genocide in Gaza

Embedded video of key excerpts from 1/12/24 “khutbah”/sermon at The Islamic Center of Rhode Island, Providence, RI Previously I analyzed a very inflammatory Friday sermon or “khutbah” (see Qur’an 62:9), delivered 1/3/25 at the Islamic Center of Rhode Island (ICRI). During … Continue reading