Detroit Bohra Muslim MD Female Genital Mutilators Were Motivated By Their Most Authoritative Islamic Law Text

Federal prosecutors have indicted six Detroit area members of the Ismaili Shiite Muslim minority Bohra community—including two MDs—for subjecting young girls to female genital mutilation (FGM) procedures. The six are charged with 9 counts of conspiring, committing, and concealing acts … Continue reading

Diana West: Trump “has signed up with some of the main culprit military leaders in our 16-year failure in Afghanistan”

Extract embedded, below. Full audio interview with Audrey Russo 8/24/17 posted here: Transcript of this extract: [Diana West]: “I don’t believe there are any core American interests in Afghanistan. End of story. And what he [Trump] is doing is … Continue reading

Muhammad’s Willing Executioners: How Mainstream Islam Threatens Jewish Existence

Originally posted at PJ Media, as “How Mainstream Islam Threatens Jewish Existence” Whether one considers the masses of Muslims flowing into Europe as (primarily economic) refugees, proud hijra colonists “quietly” Islamizing the continent, or both, these newly arrived votaries of … Continue reading

“Assyrian Martyrs Day,” August 7th, Underscores the Fixed Delusion of Western “Reform” of Sharia 84-Years After the Jihad Massacres of August, 1933

Despite being an indigenous people whose pre-Islamic jihad conquest era ties to the land antedated those of the mid-7th century A.D. Arab Muslim invaders by centuries, the 1930 Anglo-Iraq treaty under which Britain withdrew all its forces from Iraq by … Continue reading

My July 4th-related discussion of how Western politicians & religious leaders once understood Western freedom vs. Islam’s totalitarianism & bigotry

July 5th, Audrey Russo and I discussed the content from 4 recent blogs, below.  (mp3 link: [Please note I erred in referring to James Freeman Clarke, twice, as “William” Freeman Clarke] Echoing Clarke (from 1871), a 1964 CIA report … Continue reading

Echoing Clarke (from 1871), a 1964 CIA report described Islam’s “all-is-from-Allah fatalism” and its anti-Christian, amoral consequences

All Americans, especially those media, political, and academic savants constantly hectoring us with their alleged “wisdom” on Islam, would do well to study James Freeman Clarke’s timeless assessment of Allah, juxtaposed to the Judeo-Christian God. Clarke (1810–1888) was an American theologian, philosopher, … Continue reading

Eloquent Cal: POTUS Coolidge’s Address on the 150th Anniversary of U.S. Independence Day

“The American Revolution represented the informed and mature convictions of a great mass of independent, liberty loving, God-fearing people who knew their rights, and possessed the courage to dare to maintain them.” Calvin Coolidge, 30th POTUS, Address at the … Continue reading

When “Every thinking man” knew Christians could not “remain under the rule of the Koran & its fanatical followers free from tyranny & cruelty”

Bishop Strossmayer Helped William Gladstone Understand Koranic Islam Without Camouflage My previous blog placed the recent on air confrontation between Tommy Robinson, and vacuous media personality, Piers Morgan, in the appropriate context of living, timeless Islamic doctrine, and the iconic … Continue reading

Tommy Robinson, Invoking Gladstone, Churchill, and the Koran (9:5), Tries Gamely to Educate Dhimmi Islamo-Ignoramus Piers Morgan

Please watch the segment below of, allegedly, a 6/20/17 “interview exchange” between courageous and knowledgeable British Islamo-realist Tommy Robinson, and preening Islamo-ignoramus media personality, Piers Morgan. Tommy tries gamely to pierce Piers’ uninformed hubris by invoking two iconic British Prime … Continue reading

May 29, 1453: Remembering the Mass-Murderous Jihad Conquest of Constantinople, Via Confirmatory Turkish and Christian Chronicles

Painting by Theofilos Hatzimihail (d. 1934) Extracts from my “The Legacy of Jihad,” (2005/2008) pp. 616-618: [Both Turkish and Christian chroniclers provide graphic evidence of the wanton pillage and slaughter of non-combatants following the Ottoman jihad conquest of Constantinople in 1453. First … Continue reading