Trump’s, Like Hoover’s “America First”: Pro-Freedom and Anti-Totalitarian By US Example

Donald Trump’s inaugural address was unabashed in putting forth his vision of “America First.” Grounded in commonsense economic populism, seeking to revive a moribund manufacturing sector, in particular, President Trump also maintained, with regard to foreign policy, We do not … Continue reading

Educating John Kerry and Barack Obama on Islam’s, and Palestinian Muslim, Denial of Israel’s Right to Exist, in One Minute

John Kerry, and Lame Duck POTUS Barack Obama, who have shamefully rationalized U.S. failure to veto an odious U.N. resolution condemning Israel’s legal right to build settlements in its ancestral homeland should consider two complementary fatwas, one written January 5, 1956, … Continue reading

General Mattis Has Imbibed Islamic Apologetics—Not Islam

Yesterday (11/29/16), in an essay published at Pajamas Media, I urged PEOTUS Trump not to name either Generals Petraeus or Mattis to his cabinet, based upon the proven failure of the see-no-real-Islam COIN doctrine these men concocted, and implemented in … Continue reading

A Hopeful “Good Riddance” to FDR/Obama Statist Totalitarianism?

I pray that the election of Donald Trump as the 45th POTUS draws us back from the abyss of crushing, FDR/Obama-style “Democratic”—really “Demopathic”—statist totalitarianism. New York Timesman Arthur Krock provided the following unusually candid assessment of FDR/Obama statist rule, circa … Continue reading

9/11, Jihad, and Islam: Our Security Depends on Acknowledging the Connections

Fifteen years ago today, September 11, 2001, the United States experienced mass murderous, cataclysmic acts of jihad terror. Islam, via its most effective historical instrument of Islamization—jihad war—attacked the U.S. seeking destruction of its economic (Wall Street), military (The Pentagon), … Continue reading

VIDEO of My AFA Speech, “Islam, Mindslaughter, and the Catastrophic ‘Lewis Doctrine'”

Many thanks to Scott Jacobs for uploading the video of my speech last Sunday 8/21/16 at the American Freedom Alliance conference in Los Angeles entitled, “Islam and Western Civilization: Can They Co-Exist?” The text in its entirety was posted at … Continue reading

Dennis Prager’s 8/22/16 Tribute To My Writings on Islam

Monday, August 22, 2016, Dennis Prager discussed the American Freedom Alliance (AFA) conference in Los Angeles entitled,“Islam and Western Civilization: Can They Co-Exist?”, Sunday, August 21, 2016, with Philippe Karsenty. (“Dennis talks to Philippe Karsenty, French politician and political analyst … Continue reading

Background Discussion Of The Cover Design By Bosch Fawstin For My Forthcoming Book, “Koranic Jew-Hatred”

“And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them (the disbelievers) Allah brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you … Continue reading

July 20, 1974 Flashback: “Secular” Turkey’s Brutal Jihad Conquest and Islamization of Northern Cyprus

Forty-two years ago today, July 20, 1974, the “secular” Turkish army, consistent with its Sharia-supremacist Ottoman ancestors, and their predatory 16th century jihad conquest of Cyprus [see Hill’s understated description of the 1571 capture of Famagusta: “The reader may be … Continue reading

Sharia Versus Freedom in America

Yesterday July 4th, Independence Day, celebrated American liberty. Consistent with that spirit of hard won freedom, new polling data reveal non-Muslim Americans are increasingly cognizant of the threat Sharia, Islam’s totalitarian religio-political “law,” poses to their basic liberties, and overwhelmingly, … Continue reading