My EWTN Radio Discussion of the Paris Carnage and Jihad War Per Mainstream Islamic Doctrine

A “jihad war 101” elucidation of the basic, mainstream Islamic doctrine of jihad, as elaborated in great detail in my 2005 The Legacy of Jihad, and enacted during the Paris jihad carnage.

My Discussion of Failed US See No Real Islam Policy and the Paris Jihad Carnage With WCRN’s Gary Goldman, 11/15/15

I discussed (embedded below) the Paris jihad carnage of November 13, 2015 with WCRN’s Gary Goldman in light of hard data such as these: the Six Country Immigrant Integration Comparative Survey among 9000 Muslim immigrants in Germany, France, the Netherlands, … Continue reading

ISIS Statement Celebrating Paris Jihad Carnage: A Mainstream, Contemporary Gloss on Koran 59:2, the ISIS Statement’s “Preamble”

The ghoulish, celebratory pronouncement by ISIS in the wake of the jihad carnage (at least 129 murdered, 99 critically wounded in Paris, and 352 others wounded) “A Statement on the Blessed Onslaught in Paris against the Crusader Nation of France,” opens … Continue reading

G-d Bless Our Veterans

“Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!” —Sun Tzu

My Discussion With Steve Malzberg of the Canonical Islamic Jew-Hatred Which Incited Bloody October in Israel

Last Tuesday, November 3, 2015, I taped an interview with Steve Malzberg which aired Friday evening, November 7th. We discussed, in brief, the “jihad of the knife” attacks on Jews in Israel by Palestinian Muslims, whose grisly “results” for Bloody … Continue reading

Discussion of the Jihad Against Israel, the Hajj Amin el-Husseini-Netanyahu “Controversy,” and the Muslim Hijra Invasion of Europe on KNUS

Yesterday (Weds. 11/5/15) I discussed my recent analyses of Hajj Amin el-Husseini (1895-1974), jihadist “Godfather” of the so-called Palestinian Muslim movement [see here; here; & free pdf download, here], and briefly, his Nazi “protégé,” Johannes “Omar Amin” von Leers [see … Continue reading

Discussion of Ongoing Iranian Nuke Deal Fiasco and Muslim Hijra Jihad Invasion of Europe/Eurabia with Janet Mefferd

Friday October 30th I had an informative ~25-minute discussion (embedded below) with Janet Mefferd regarding the disastrous Iranian nuke deal (see here; here; here; and here) ramifications, and the equally dire Muslim jihad hijra invasion of Europe, the latter being … Continue reading

“Judaism and Islam as Opposites,” a 1942 essay by Nazi convert to Islam, Johannes ‘Omar Amin’ von Leers, (d. 1965)

Readers are referred to my previous blog for additional background, on Johannes “Omar Amin” von Leers. There is a reference in Leers’ 1942 essay, translated below, to Muhammad Sabri’s “Islam, Judentum, und Bolschewismus.” This 1938 work by Sabri included the … Continue reading

My 10/26/15 discussion with WPGP’s Rose Tennent of the murderous mainstream Islamic JIHADISM & JEW HATRED v. Israeli Jews

Mainstream Islam, Global Jihadism, & Islamic Jew Hatred, from Europe to Israel: My Discussion With KNUS’ Chuck & Julie