Al-Azhar University calls for jihad against the Jews of nascent Israel in 1947 after the UN partition plan was announced, and after Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948

Al-Azhar University calls for jihad against the Jews of nascent Israel in 1947 after the UN partition plan was announced, and after Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948

“MOSLEMS SAY PEACE WITH ISRAEL WOULD BE SACRILEGIOUS,” Chicago Tribune, January 11, 1956, p.24).; “PEACE WITH ISRAEL SACRILEGIOUS, SAY LEADERS OF MOSLEMS,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 11, 1956, p.1

“MOSLEMS SAY PEACE WITH ISRAEL WOULD BE SACRILEGIOUS,” Chicago Tribune, January 11, 1956, p.24).; “PEACE WITH ISRAEL SACRILEGIOUS, SAY LEADERS OF MOSLEMS,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 11, 1956, p.1

Rocky Mountain Low—Teaching Koranic Jew-Hatred to Muslim Children in Colorado

One would have hoped the brutal October 7th jihad carnage of Jews in southern Israel—animated by Hamas’ genocidal Jew-hatred—would beget at least transient denunciations of Hamas, and its Islamic ideology, from the largest swath of the American Muslim community. Collective … Continue reading

Vasily Grossman on Antisemitism from 1959: “a mirror for the failings of individuals, social structures, & State systems. Tell me what you accuse Jews of—I’ll tell you what you’re guilty of.”

Vasily Grossman. “Life and Fate : A Novel”, 1985, (originally published in 1959), Internet Archive, Chapter 32, pp. 484-487. Antisemitism can take many forms—from a mocking contemptuous ill-will to murderous pogroms. Antisemitism can be met with in the market and … Continue reading

Desantis and Palestinian Muslim Antisemitism

Florida Governor, and GOP POTUS candidate, Ron Desantis, did not mince words during a 10/15/21 Face The Nation interview: “We cannot accept people from Gaza into this country as refugees.” But it was Desantis’ clarification as to why that has … Continue reading

Negating The Legacy of Jihad in (Historical) Palestine (originally published 2007)

Full essay can be downloaded here: Negating the Legacy of Jihad in Palestine

WPRO’s Matt Allen: Local Rhode Island Media Succumbed to “Social Pressure” Not To Question Covid-19 Pandemic Response

Matt Allen: “I spoke to a couple of (Rhode Island) journalist types during the pandemic, & I’d say to them, ‘Why don’t you ask questions (about dubious pandemic measures like lockdowns, social distancing, & masking, etc.) of these public health … Continue reading

APRA request for rationale & follow-up evaluation of miserably failed, hysterical RIDOH/Brown University April 16, 2020 “covid-19 hospitalization models” that needlessly begot extended irrational, draconian “covid-19 restrictions” in Rhode Island

Link to pdf of APRA request: APRA req 9.17.23_2

Why is the Rhode Island Department of Health Still Irrationally Targeting School Children with Anti-Scientific Covid-19 “Masking and Testing” Policies?

One of the consistent mercies of the SARS-CoV-2 “covid-19 pandemic,” even at its most virulent initial stages, has been the paucity of serious disease in children generally, and healthy children, universally. Covid-19 always was and remains a very highly age– … Continue reading

Reminder of Excess U.S. Pediatric Influenza Vs. Covid-19 Mortality Comparing “Pandemic” & Seasonal Years

Link to pdf version of these contents: Peds Mort Flu v. C19 US since 2009 [Through 9/6/23; *Adjusted for CDC 35% over counting of covid-19 pediatric deaths by death certificate review, i.e., “COVID-19 with no plausible chain of event”, … Continue reading