U.S. Congress: “Bipartisan Failure of Imagination on Iran, Islam”. My Interview With Tom Trento

This past Wednesday July 1, 2015 I was in the United West studio for an interview with my friend and colleague, the wise, intrepid Tom Trento. Our discussion was broad ranging but riveted upon yet another arbitrary delay in the … Continue reading

To My Wife Who Makes Father’s Day & Every Day Worth Living: “I’m Glad There is You”, Sung By Ella Fitzgerald

Geert Wilders: Backgrounder, and His Thoughtful Video Discussion and Display of Pamela Geller’s Garland, TX Muhammad Exhibit

Please see my earlier commentaries on Pamela Geller’s Garland, TX Muhammad drawings exhibit. (here; here; here; here; and here). Since 2009 I have also written at length about the featured speaker at Pamela’s event, my colleague, Geert Wilders, the extraordinary … Continue reading

1981 Nobel Laureate Elias Canetti’s Chapter Title, from “Crowds and Power”—“Islam as a Religion of War”

          Elias Canetti (1905-1994) was a German-language novelist, playwright, and non-fiction writer, of Sephardic Jewish descent. Canetti—whose works examined the emotions of crowds, the predicament of individuals at odds with their surrounding society, and the psychopathology … Continue reading

Our FAVORIT Clinical Trial: Cochrane Reviews Deems It The Lone “High Quality” Study of the “Homocysteine-Hypothesis”—Out of 359—in Chronic Kidney Transplant Recipients

The Folic Acid for Vascular Outcome Reduction in Transplantation (FAVORIT) was a clinical trial I organized, originally as an investigator-initiated RO1 through the National Institutes of Health, specifically the Institute for Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases. The design (2006), baseline … Continue reading

Lou Dobbs, The Lone True Free Speech Champion at Fox

Lou Dobbs rose (well) above the empty, hypocritical, preening din of all his colleagues at Fox News last evening: he unabashedly displayed the new free speech billboards (see above) of Pamela Geller/The American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), which feature ex-Muslim … Continue reading

Why Fox News Must Make Rare Guest Three Star Gen Dan Bolger A Regular Commentator on the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

General Daniel P. Bolger is a History Professor at North Carolina State University, and retired Three Star General, who served from 2005-2013, in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I put General Bolger’s sagacious, experience-based written observations in the context of the … Continue reading

Mary, Muhammad, and Hypocritical Media Dhimmitude, From The New York Times, to Fox News

Clay Waters of Newsbusters (h/t Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch) underscores the rank “free expression” hypocrisy, and sheer dhimmitude, of the New York Times, resplendent once again, in its Thursday, May 28, 2015 “Arts” section. A prominent photographic reproduction of … Continue reading

Iraq Fiasco: Jihad Denial, “Surge” Mythology, & Abandonment of Iraq’s Non-Muslim Minorities. Discussion With Sam Sorbo

We are now in the middle of a full-blown Jihad, that is to say we have against us the fiercest prejudices of a people in a primeval state of civilization.—Gertrude Bell, Baghdad, Iraq, September 5, 1920 Sam Sorbo was kind … Continue reading

Full Version of “Time of Violence,”a Stunning Film About the Ottoman Jihad Depredations and Rule of Christian Bulgaria

Full version of “Time of Violence,” a stunning film adaptation of Donchev’s novel depiction of the Ottoman jihad depredations and rule of Christian Bulgaria