Remembering the “Time of (Ottoman Jihad) Violence” in Europe—Past as Prologue?

The 2 minute and 40 second opening (embedded above) of this 1988 Bulgarian film epic (288 minutes total; screened at the 1988 Cannes Film Festival), “Vreme Na Nasilie,” “Time of Violence,” is a gripping portrayal of the brutal legacy of … Continue reading

“Fox (News) is Allowing Sharia-Adherent Muslims to Control the Public Space”

My 5/14/15 discussion with Audrey Russo of “The Dhimmitude of Fox News,” embedded below.

The Dhimmitude of Fox News

The late respected British scholar of Islam, Dr. Mervyn Hiskett, in his Some to Mecca Turn to Pray, noted then (i.e., in 1993) the prevailing opinion among leaders of the British Muslim community that unless Muslim immigrants to Britain were … Continue reading

Fox News Lets Sharia (Donald) Trump Freedom of Expression

  Last week Fox News’s Sean Hannity was uniquely supportive of journalist/activist Pamela Geller, hosting her on his show 5 nights in a row (including one evening with guest host, Eric Bolling). Ms. Geller remains under ISIS death threat for … Continue reading

Educating Catholics Bill O’Reilly and Laura Ingraham About Muhammad Vs. Jesus, and Islam’s Impact on Christianity

As discussed in two previous blogs (here; here), conservative taking heads such as Bill O’Reilly and Laura Ingraham, who have excoriated journalist/activist Pamela Geller over the Garland, Texas jihadist attack, manifest profound, and at this stage unacceptable lacunae in their … Continue reading

Kudos to Dana Loesch and The Blaze For Showing Bosch Fawstin’s Thoughtful, Free-Speech Championing Muhammad Cartoon on Air

Bosch Fawstin’s thoughtful, free speech-championing cartoon was shown per accompanying time signature on the captured image, above. I have described the Garland, TX anti-Sharia blasphemy law exhibit, the jihad against it, and the scurrilous, craven attacks on conference organizer Pamela … Continue reading

Hey Fox News: Like Muhammad, ISIS Calls Jewess Pamela Geller “Khanzeer” (Pig), and Threatens To “Slaughter Her”

“From Muhammad, via the Koran, across space and time, as promulgated today by Sunni Islam’s 1000-year old leading teaching institution, Al-Azhar, and ISIS, alike, Jews as apes/pigs is a “sacralized” theme repeated to incite their slaughter en masse, or as … Continue reading

Educating CNN and Fox News About Pamela Geller and the Sharia Assault on Free Speech in Garland, Texas

Today we are getting confirmation (here; here) of potential direct ISIS involvement in the jihad terror attack on a Garland, TX free speech gathering, Sunday May 3, 2015. Mercifully, the jihadist assault-weapons wielding attackers were slain by an intrepid handgun-wielding … Continue reading

Wilders and Sharia Versus Freedom of Speech on Capitol Hill

“Crude, risible pretenses about their ostensible support for the “bedrock principle” of free speech—a uniquely Western ideal—notwithstanding, the effort by Congressmen Ellison and Carson is designed to enforce antithetical Sharia-based restrictions on rational criticism of Islamic dogma, and the obvious … Continue reading

Supplying Uranium to Russian “Allies”: From FDR to The Clintons

Building upon Peter Schweizer’s research from his forthcoming book Clinton Cash, with their own investigations, Thursday, April 23, 2015, New York Times reporters Jo Becker and Mike McIntire published a bombshell exposé, “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium … Continue reading