From the Armenian Jihad Genocide, to The Holocaust, and Islamophile Adolph Hitler’s Jihad Against The Jews

The German officers would often speak of us as Christian Jews and as blood sucking usurers of the Turkish people. What a falsification of the wretched realities prevailing in Asia Minor, and what a reversal of roles! Yes indeed, there … Continue reading

“Lessons from the Armenian Genocide”: My 4/24/15 Interview With Frank Gaffney

The mp3 file version of the interview is here. I was interviewed by national security analyst par excellence, Frank Gaffney, on the “Lessons From the Armenian Genocide” yesterday, April 24, 2015, the 100th commemoration date of this Jihad Genocide. The … Continue reading

Discussion With Sam Sorbo of the Jihad Genocide of the Armenians on Its 100th Commemoration

Today, April 24, 2015 marks the solemn 100th anniversary of the jihad genocide of the Armenians by the Ottoman Muslim Turks, during World War I. Detailed background for my discussion of the Armenian Jihad Genocide with Sam Sorbo, earlier today … Continue reading

Jihad, Still: “100 Years On, Armenians in the Middle East Are Still On the Run”

From this April 21, 2015, report, “100 Years On, Armenians in the Middle East Are Still On the Run”: As Armenians this week mark 100 years since the massacres that killed more than one million people, the fear and persecution … Continue reading

Discussion: Corker Bill on Iran Nuke Deal Abdicates Congressional Responsibility, Capitulates to “Warmongering” Calumny

Yesterday (Thursday 4/16/15) I discussed my Wednesday 4/15 blog on the Corker “compromise”—in reality a full capitulation to the Obama Administration’s dangerous Iran negotiations—with Steve Malzberg. The interview is embedded, below. Having actually read the bill, its central point of … Continue reading

Lecture: Turning a Blind Eye to Iran’s Calls For Genocide—The Legacy of Jihad and Shiite Islamic Jew-Hatred in Iran

I gave the lecture, “Turning a Blind Eye to Iran’s Calls For Genocide—The Legacy of Jihad and Shiite Islamic Jew-Hatred in Iran,” followed by a question and answer session, February 4, 2015 at The Lawfare Project, hosted by its Director, … Continue reading

Shameful Corker “Compromise” Is a Triumph For The Obama Administration’s Iran Negotiations Strategy

Yesterday, April 14, 2015 a much ballyhooed “compromise” regarding S.615, “Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.” was unanimously agreed upon within the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Independent, and Washington Post assessments of critical aspects of the lauded compromise … Continue reading

The Iranian Nuke Weapons Threat & Fox News: Islamic Jihad is Iran’s Animating Ideology, NOT “Persian Merchant Culture”

Yesterday (Sunday 4/12/15) I discussed the Iranian nuclear weapons threat with Lisa Benson. Her spontaneous opening reference (which I had not seen till I went to the catalogued Fox news video clip online this morning) was to a thoroughly uninformed … Continue reading

Iran Circa 1957: “Fossilized Unchanging Religion”; “The Bulk of the Population Unchanged by Reforms” Plus Ça Change…?

Just over four decades ago, Islamologist Maxime Rodinson (d. 2004) observed how Western academic treatment of Islam had devolved into reverent fetishism. “Understanding [of Islam] has given way to apologetics pure and simple,” Rodinson lamented. The musings of the late … Continue reading

My Discussion of Iran Nuke “Deal” and Islamic “Treaties”: Our State Department Now Ignores What It Knew Well in 1880

Below are extracts from a report by WND’s Leo Hohmann on the Iran nuke negotiations. Leo asked me to provide background on the Islamic Law “principles” which must be understood when examining such negotiations. It has become axiomatic in our … Continue reading