A Group of Expatriate Iranian Shiite Physicians in the U.S., and the Banality of Their Islamic Jew-Hatred

A 16th century European portrait of the founder of the Safavid dynasty, Shah Ismail I (1487-1524), now housed at the Ulfizi Gallery, Florence, Italy. The Portuguese traveler Tome Pires observed (between 1512-1515), “Sheikh Ismail…never spares the life of any Jew,” … Continue reading

My 4/7/15 Discussion With Sam Sorbo of “Iran (‘Framework’) Fiasco: John Quincy Adams Knew Jihad, John Kerry Does Not”

I discussed my essay Iran (“Framework”) Fiasco: John Quincy Adams Knew Jihad, John Kerry Does Not with Sam Sorbo. KEY EXTRACTS: Expatriate Iranian journalist Amir Taheri has a written an intriguing—and essential—“linguistic” analysis comparing the various diplomatic “framework” statements at … Continue reading

A Blessed Easter to My Christian Friends: Norman Rockwell’s “Golden Rule” (1961)

Carla Power’s “Accidental Feminist” Mohammad Akram Nadwi in His Own (Sharia Supremacist) Words on Women’s “Rights”/Hijab

I just listened to an NPR podcast touting a new book by journalist Carla Power, entitled, If Oceans Were Ink: An Unlikely Friendship and a Journey to the Heart of the Quran. Power’s NPR discussion—and apparently her book—riveted upon the … Continue reading

Zissen Pesach: Marian Anderson Singing, “Go Down Moses” (1951)

PJ Media Essay: Maimonides, the Houthi “Motto”, & My Limited Sympathy For War-Torn Yemen

KEY EXTRACTS, BELOW; FULL PJ MEDIA ESSAY HERE “And humiliation and wretchedness were stamped upon them [the Jews] and they were visited with wrath from Allah. That was because they disbelieved in Allah’s revelations and slew the prophets wrongfully. That … Continue reading

Discussion 3/31/15 with Sam Sorbo About Dangerous Iran Nukes Deal, Iranian Regime Change Fallacy, and Islamic Despotism

Thanks again to Sam Sorbo for discussing the dangerous and delusive Iran nuclear negotiations, the alternative “Iranian regime change” fallacy, the roots of Islamic despotism/totalitarianism (i.e., the difference between Islam’s unrelenting autocratic deity Allah, and the Judaeo-Christian G-d of freedom)—and … Continue reading

Why “Regime Change” Won’t Solve the Iran Nuclear Weapons Problem in ~ 150 Words

(See explanation in full, at PJ Media, HERE) The key figures in the (Soylent) Green Movement, both eternal spiritual inspiration Ayatollah Montazeri (d. 2009), and active, remaining political leader Mousavi, not only share the modern Shiite Weltanschauung of jihadism, Anti-Westernism, … Continue reading

Tempering My Sympathy For Yemen’s Current Plight With a Remembrance of How Its Jews Were Chronically Treated

One cannot be completely inured to the ongoing Sunni-Shiite sectarian carnage in Yemen. Yet we must also recall that Shiite worshippers from Iran’s surrogate minions at the Houthi Al-Hashoush Mosque in Sanaa, Yemen, on March 20, 2015, were engaged in … Continue reading

My 3/27/15 PJ Media Essay: Destroy Iran’s Nuke Facilities. Don’t Wait For Musical Chairs “Regime Change”

KEY EXTRACTS below; Read the full piece HERE. I share the legitimate concerns of center-right critics over the gravely delusive and dangerous concessions the Obama Administration appears hell-bent to agree upon in its nuclear negotiations with Iran: giving an international … Continue reading