Obama Nukes Deal “Partner” Ayatollah Khamenei/Sanaa Homicide Bombing Prove The Enemy of My Enemy Is Still My Enemy

Iran’s Supreme Leader, theocrat Ayatollah Khamenei, deemed, appropriately, the third most influential contemporary Muslim eminence worldwide, by the mainstream, moderate Royal Jordanian Aal-al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, during a speech delivered March 12, 2015 reiterated Iran’s conquering, totalitarian Islamic worldview. … Continue reading

Khamenei, Allah, and Totalitarian Islam

“Ayatollah Khamenei’s March 12, 2015 speech should serve as confirmation of mid-19th century Western scholarly characterizations of Islam as an aggressive, bellicose, Allah-inspired despotism, or in the parlance of 20th century scholars, totalitarianism, akin to Communism. Hope springs eternal that … Continue reading

My 3/18/15 Discussion with Sam Sorbo of the Dangerous, Mindslaughtered Premises of the Iranian Nuclear Negotiations

Sam Sorbo was gracious enough to discuss my recent arguments about the Iranian nuclear “negotiations” in book, and essay formats (the latter here, here, here, here, and here). Our current Obama Administration policies, in short, mimicking Soviet era failures, are delusive, … Continue reading

Mindslaughtered U.S. Arms Control Negotiations: From Soviet Communists to Iranian Shiite Jihadists

My essay on the developments since last week’s Tom Cotton/GOP 47 letter to Iran’s leaders, was published at PJ Media, under the title,“Mindslaughtered”: U.S. Arms Negotiations From Communists to Jihadists. Please read the full essay, but key extracts are included, … Continue reading

M. Stanton Evans, RIP: Peerless McCarthy Scholar, Wit, and Witty Eviscerator of the Witless Pseudo-Academic Ron Radosh

My colleague Diana West has written a series of remembrances (here; here; here; and here) of her late mentor, M. Stanton Evans (d. March 3, 2015), peerless scholar of Senator Joseph McCarthy, champion of Western freedom, keen wit, and consummate, … Continue reading

Why I Support Sen. Tom Cotton/ the GOP-47, and Their Letter to Iran’s Leaders

I support Sen. Tom Cotton/ the GOP-47, and their March 9, 2015 “Open Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” as a means of clarifying, and then ending the self-destructive “negotiations” (elaborated here; here/here; and here) with … Continue reading

My Discussion With Jim Bohannon of Netanyahu’s Speech, & Iran’s Jihadism, Islamic Jew-Hatred, & “Najis” Doctrine as It’s Ideological Pillars

Jim Bohannon and I had a ~ 40 minute conversation about my 2-part essay (part 1 “Israel and the U.S.: Two (‘Unclean’) Dogs in the Same Fight With Iranian Jihadism”; part 2 “Jihad, Islamic Jew-Hatred, and ‘Najis’ Doctrine in Shiite … Continue reading

How Netanyahu’s Speech Elucidated Two of Iran’s Three Ideological Pillars of Jihadism, Islamic Jew-Hatred, and Najis

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech just delivered to the U.S. Congress Tuesday 3/3/15 included these accurate assessments: Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei spews the oldest hatred, the oldest hatred of anti-Semitism with the newest technology. He tweets that Israel must be … Continue reading

Key extracts from my 3/2/15 Breitbart essay on Iranian nukes for “najis” Netanyahu, Israel, and the U.S.

Yesterday, Monday 3/2/15, at Breitbart.com, I published a lengthy 2-part (part 1; part 2) essay which highlighted the Shiite Islamic doctrine of “najis.” This doctrine elucidates the spiritual and physical “impurity/uncleanliness” of non-Muslims in general, and Jews in particular, being … Continue reading

ISIS Threatens Jihad Depredations in Italy: A Millennial Past As Prologue?

The brutal beheading of some 21 Coptic Christians by ISIS jihadists on a Libyan beach—captured in a grisly video—was accompanied by this warning: Today we are south of Rome. We will conquer Rome with Allah’s permission. Subsequently, an ISIS sympathizer, … Continue reading