My 2/23/15 Michael Dukes Interview on AM 700 KBYR: ”Mohamed had his own ‘dead poets society’”

An updated discussion indicating that the Copenhagen jihadist el-Hussein was in attendance at the mosque where this sermon was delivered the night before he attacked. The sermon by Hajj Saeed, Imam of the Al-Faruq Mosque in Copenhagen, described why interfaith … Continue reading

At PJ Media: “White House Whitewash—Koran Verse Featured at ‘Extremism’ Summit Edited Out Call to Crush Jews”

NOTE: “ritamalik’s” translation of the spoken Arabic was indispensable to the writing of this essay. Also see the explanatory video embedded at the bottom of the posting. KEY EXTRACTS from my PJ Media essay, White House Whitewash: Koran Verse Featured … Continue reading

Interview: How Muhammad’s “sacred” actions beget blasphemy killings, Islamic Jew-hatred, and jihadist atrocities

Janet Mefferd and I discussed my and PJ Media essays on how the prototype, “sacralized” behaviors of Islam’s prophet Muhammad—embedded into the Sharia, Islam’s all-encompassing religio-political “law”—were manifest on the streets of Copenhagen, and the beaches of Libya. The … Continue reading

Copenhagen Imam On Eve of 2/14/15 Jihad Terror Attack Eschewed “Dialogue,” Stated: “Muhammad Waged War Against The Jews”

Per the invaluable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the sermon excerpted below, validates what I wrote about at length in my essay, “Re-enacting Muhammad in Copenhagen.” On the evening before jihadist Omar Abdel Hamid el-Hussein murderously attacked both … Continue reading

Danish Muslims Celebrate Copenhagen Jihadist Killer as Exercising Islamic Blasphemy Law, Justly, a “Hero with Heart of Gold”

Video and transcript via Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes. For background discussion of relevant Islamic blasphemy law, and canonical Islamic Jew-hatred, each embodying the behaviors of Islam’s prophet Muhammad, see my essay, “Re-enacting Muhammad in Copenhagen,” with key … Continue reading

My Breitbart essay on Denmark’s Islamic “blasphemy” and Jew-hatred killings: “Re-enacting Muhammad in Copenhagen”

KEY EXTRACTS: Shouting the jihadist battle cry declared by Islam’s prophet Muhammad himself, “Allahu-akbar,” “Allah is greater,” on Saturday, February 14, 2015, a Muslim gunman opened fire on participants at a Copenhagen, Denmark conference on freedom of expression, killing 1, … Continue reading

For My Valentine: Miles Davis, “My Funny Valentine”

My Discussion of Jihadism v. The Crusades, Sharia, & Much More With Mike Slater of KFMB 760 AM

My Discussion of Obama’s Nat’l Prayer Breakfast Speech, Islam as a ROP, Iran, Muslim Reformer M.Z. Jasser, & More, with Ben Weingarten of The Blaze Books

Audio link (just under 40 minutes): Again, I referred to this two part essay “Jihad Begot the Crusades”, from 2005: Jihad begot the Crusades (1); Jihad begot the Crusades (2) As for “Slavery”, since the Emancipation Proclamation of January … Continue reading

My Response to President Obama’s National Prayer Breakfast Speech With Ben Weingarten of The Blaze Books

Audio link to 5-minute segment: I referred to this two part essay “Jihad Begot the Crusades”, from 2005 Jihad begot the Crusades (1) Jihad begot the Crusades (2)