Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley and the “Meshugga Muslim” Jihad Against the Police (Addended)

              Reflecting upon Maimonides’ timeless wisdom, we must have the intellectual fortitude to contemplate, with candor, from a non-Muslim perspective, whether Islamic jihadism and “madness”/“madmen” may interact in a complementary, even synergistic manner. ** At … Continue reading

My discussion of Islamic persecution of Christians, Pakistan’s release of Mumbai massacre mastermind one day after Peshawar intra-Muslim carnage

My discussion of Islamic persecution of Christians in the Middle East (and beyond), and Pakistan’s release of the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai jihad massacre of Hindus and Jews (see here; here; and here on this event), within 24-hours of … Continue reading

A Not So Merry Christmas From Islam and Isa, The Muslim “Jesus”

Muslim immigrant Man Haron Monis recently declared, in the Christmas spirit of his adopted Australian refuge, “Islam is the religion of peace and a Muslim should be a peace activist.” December 15, 2014, consistent with legions of his Muslim co-religionists … Continue reading

Christmas Clarity: Palestinian Christy Anastas on Islam and Sharia-Based Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land

“As Christmas approaches, and the usual Jew-hating calumnies against Israel, holding her responsible for the plight of Christians in the Holy Land, are leveled, Christy Anastas’ honest, uncompromised observations identifying the Sharia-based source of Christian persecution in Gaza, Judea-Samaria, and … Continue reading

Recalling Eugene Lyons’ Moving Tribute to Herbert Hoover—the Great American Champion of Freedom—on the 50th Anniversary of Hoover’s Passing

              The very belated publication of (2011), and scant attention paid to Herbert Hoover’s own magnum opus, Freedom Betrayed, has continued to obfuscate this great, quintessential American’s unequaled championing of Western, Judeo-Christian-based liberty—the antithesis … Continue reading

Brahms, Symphony No. 3 in F Major, Op. 90: III. Poco allegretto, Played by Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic Orchestra

Adam Smith, S.D. Goitein, and the “Economics” (and “Sexual Ethics”) of Islamic Jihad Slavery

Adam Smith, S.D. Goitein, and the “Economics” (and “Sexual Ethics”) of Islamic Jihad Slavery Shlomo Dov [S. D.] Goitein (d. 1985) was a historian of Muslim-Jewish relations whose seminal research findings were widely published, most notably in the monumental five-volume … Continue reading

Egyptian Conscientious Objector to Islam: IS/Boko Haram follow Islam’s prophet Muhammad, Koran 47:4, 9:29

He had a conscience, so he forsook Islam—i.e., he was a “conscientious objector to Islam”—a term that should be in widespread usage, instead of “Muslim apostate.” The pious Al-Azhar cleric (and Fatwa Committee member) he “debated,” on the other hand, … Continue reading

My discussion with Tom Trento about why Israel needs to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities now

My discussion with Tom Trento about why Israel needs to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities NOW during the window of opportunity created by the 7-month extension of the dangerously de-stabilizing “P5 + 1” negotiations, and the current absence of any binding … Continue reading

11/26/14 Updated Edition of My Book Iran’s Final Solution for Israel Now Available at

The November 26, 2014 updated edition of Iran’s Final Solution for Israel is now available at In “Iran’s Final Solution for Israel,” Andrew G. Bostom, M.D., M.S., analyzes the living, half-millennial legacy of Shi’ite Iranian jihadism and Islamic Jew-hatred. … Continue reading