“She Make’s Me Feel Good”, Lyle Lovett

Islam Apologist Quanta Ahmed Errantly Invokes a Canonical Hadith Giving Priority to Jihad of the Sword

Quanta Ahmed, at the close of her latest standard fare apologetic on Islam versus “Islamism,” published today at NRO, writes that she “knew well” the following words of Islam’s prophet Muhammad: Whoever sees a wrong and is able to put … Continue reading

Mainstream US Mosques Deny American Muslims the Right to Advocate Separation of Mosque and State

Video link here Two weeks ago (September 27, 2014), Robert Spencer published an e-mail from a former attendee of the same Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISOGOC) mosque frequented by Jah’Keem Yisrael/Alton Nolen, the Muslim convert who beheaded his coworker … Continue reading

From Obscenity to Clarity: A Factual Understanding of the Maher-Affleck Islam “Debate”

Yesterday (Thursday, October 9, 2014), I gave two interviews which introduced the factual basis for the recent obscenity-laden Maher-Affleck kerfuffle on HBO (“Bill Maher vs. Ben Affleck On Islam: ‘Mafia That Will F**king Kill You If You Say The Wrong … Continue reading

Koranic Sanction for Beheading Infidels, i.e., Koran 8:12/47:4, Explained by Renowned Theologian S.A. Usmani (d. 1949)

The gruesome spate of IS/IL beheadings continues apace, “complemented” by Oklahoma Muslim convert Jah’Keem Yisrael’s (previously, Alton Alexander Nolen) brutal decapitation of his female co-worker, Colleen Hufford. Yisrael/Nolen’s Facebook page included a graphic beheading image, juxtaposed to the citation of Koran 8:12 … Continue reading

West: See-No-Islam Basis of 13 Yrs Nation-Building Failure in Iraq & Afghanistan Under Sorry Banner of COIN

My friend and colleague, Diana West, just gave the following address earlier today (~ 2 PM, Monday, 9/29/14) at The National Security II Conference sponsored by The Center For Security Policy. The extracted video of her comments are embedded below, … Continue reading

Like OK Beheader, Mainstream Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America Condones Stoning Adulterers, and Sharia Supremacism

Oklahoma beheading suspect, and Muslim convert Alton Nolen, aka “Jah’Keem Yisrael,” per a local newspaper account in the McCurtain Gazette (reproduced by Caleb Howe of Truth Revolt), …was telling coworkers Thursday (9/25/14) of an Islamic teaching that said women should be … Continue reading

Jacob Burckhardt: How Muhammad’s “Victory of Fanaticism and Triviality” Engendered Islam’s “Despotism” and “Periodical Renewal of the Holy War (Jihad)”

An iconic figure in the annals of Western historiography, Jacob Burckhardt (1818–1897) was a pioneering scholar of “cultural history.” Burckhardt, whose best known work is The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860), believed it was the solemn duty of … Continue reading

Ahmad Al-Tayeb, Sunni Islam’s Pope: “Global Zionism” (=Jews) Responsible For Jihad Terror Groups in the Middle East

Since its founding in 973 C.E., Al Azhar University (and its mosque) have represented a pinnacle of Islamic religious education, which evolved into the de facto Vatican of Sunni Islam. Unfortunately, during that same millennium, through the present era, Al … Continue reading

My Hannity Appearance: Ottoman Caliphate Atrocities, 1915-19, An Order of Magnitude Greater Than Those of IS/IL

Last night, my brief sound bite during a Sean Hannity panel alluded to the timeless Koranic injunction to wage jihad war against Jews and Christians, specifically, Koran 9:29, for the purpose of forcibly imposing a Sharia-based Islamic order upon them. … Continue reading