9/11 and Jihad Terror: A Legacy of Over 13 Centuries—Not 13 Years

I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy) —Islam’s prophet Muhammad, as recorded in the most important collection of Muhammad’s “traditions,” Sahih Bukhari,Volume 4, Book 52, Number 220 ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq … Continue reading

Neil Young Covers Ivory Joe Hunter’s “Since I Met You Baby” (For My Baby)

Sotloff Family Spokesperson’s Pathetic Challenge to IS “Caliph” Al-Baghdadi’s Jihad Orthodoxy

Mr. Barfi’s pathetic invocation of his own crude and uninformed apologetics on Islam, will do nothing to alter the ugly, mainstream doctrinal Islamic rationale for Steven S0tloff’s capture, imprisonment, and beheading. ** I just viewed a very brief, but excruciating … Continue reading

(Eagerly Anticipating) “Autumn In Washington Square,” Dave Brubeck

Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul Warns The West About Islam & Western Islamization

Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values ​​are not their values. Amel Nona, the 47 year-old Chaldean archbishop of Mosul, who fled to the Sunni “re-awakening,” IS-led jihad in northern Iraq, to Erbil, Kurdistan, made the … Continue reading

Updated/Corrected-The Real European Jew-Hatred Threat: Luton, UK British Muslims March & Invoke Muhammad’s Slaughter of the Khaybar Jews, Again

Department of Correction: This video is apparently from 2009, and just posted/re-posted yesterday. According to the You Tube upload date and an independent source, the demonstration captured on the video, above, took place yesterday, Friday, August 22, 2014, in Luton, … Continue reading

Educating Charles Krauthammer About the Plight of Iraq’s Yazidis and Christians (Long) Before—and After—“The Surge”

The introduction to my full essay posted at PJ Media, today (Wednesday, 8/20/14) Conservative Delusions About Islam: Yazidis Slaughtered During Surge, Too, is included below. Sadly, once again (see four previous posts from 5/8/09, 3/12/10, 10/12/11, and12/27/11), the ubiquitous mainstream … Continue reading

ISIL’s Ottoman “Caliphate” Forbears Brutally Slaughtered 250,000 Assyrian-Chaldean, and Orthodox Christians A Century Ago

Albeit belated, and ever grudgingly, the non-Muslim world has been compelled to acknowledge ISIL’s ghastly, murderous jihad rampages against both the Christian and Yazidi religious minorities of northern Iraq. Even now, however, no U.S. television network has been willing to … Continue reading

ISIS/L Panel Part 2: Whither the “War Within Islam?”, With Steve Malzberg

See my discussion from December 2008 about how there was no “War Within Islam” when it came this clear demonstration of resolve: marshalling the vast pooled military resources of the 56 Muslim nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (now dubbed … Continue reading

My Discussion of ISIS/L/ “Islamic State”, and Its Traditional Islamic Caliphate Dreams, With Steve Malzberg

See these two blog here, and here, for background.