Mainstream U.S. Muslim Jurists Association Sanctions Female Genital Mutilation

The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America’s (AMJA’s) mission statement maintains the organization was, …founded to provide guidance for Muslims living in North America…AMJA is a religious organization that does not exploit religion to achieve any political ends, but instead provides … Continue reading

Mainstream Islam Sanctions Female “Circumcision”/Genital Mutilation of Muslim Women To Reduce Their “Concupiscence”

               Jad al-Haq, d. 1996, was a Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University, Sunni Islam’s Vatican ** Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah said: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet said to her: “Do … Continue reading

Nora Jones Covers Randy Newman’s, “I Think It’s Going To Rain Today”

My discussion of Iran’s Final Solution For Israel at Temple Ahavath Torah in Stoughton, MA April 1, 2014

I appeared at America’s preeminent venue for free speech, Temple Ahavath Torah in Stoughton, MA Tuesday evening April 1, 2014, as part of the Hausman Memorial Lecture Series, produced by my dear friend and mentor, Rabbi Jon Hausman.  I was … Continue reading

Review of “Iran’s Final Solution For Israel” at The American Thinker by Fjordman

Review of “Iran’s Final Solution For Israel” at The American Thinker by Fjordman. There are theological differences between Shias and Sunnis, but while these matter to Muslims themselves, they are of secondary importance to non-Muslims. Both Shia Islam and Sunni … Continue reading

Discussion with Steve Malzberg About Iranian Nukes, & (Soylent) Green Movement “Inspiration” Ayatollah Montazeri’s Najis-Inspired Jew-Hatred

An excerpt from Iran’s Final Solution For Israel on Montazeri’s worldview: Decidedly hagiographic post-mortems written by American conservatives appeared immediately after the announcement of Grand Ayatollah Hussein Ali Montazeri’s death at age 87, on December 20, 2009. Neoconservative Michael Ledeen … Continue reading

Photo of Ayatollah Montazeri, (Soylent) Green Movement “Inspiration,” Refusing to Shake the Hand of a Najis Jew

                (Hat tip, and all due sympathies, to the courageous Amil Imani, who sent me this image) Translation of Farsi caption, beneath image: “This is Iran’s deceased Ayatollah Montazeri (d. December, 2009) in … Continue reading

My Interview With Monica Crowley About “Iran’s Final Solution For Israel”

My Gilmore (& Glahn) Interview About “Iran’s Final Solution For Israel”

Discover Politics Conservative Internet Radio with Gilmore And Glahn Radio on BlogTalkRadio

Why the Soviets Transferred the Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR in February 1954

“The Transfer of the Crimea to the Ukraine” From: Bulletin of the Institute for the Study of the History and Culture of the USSR (Munich), vol. 1, no. 1 (April 1954): 30-33. This transfer reveals the long term policy. The … Continue reading