Claude Anet on the Consequences for Jews Living Amongst a “Fanatical and Hostile” Persian Shiite Population, Circa 1905

Jean Schopfer, nom de plume Claude Anet (May 28, 1868—January 9, 1931),  was a tennis player who reached two singles finals at the Amateur French Championships, winning in 1892, and losing in 1893. Schopfer/ Anet’s Through Persia in a Motor-Car, … Continue reading

Discussion (12/10/13) with Jeff Crouere of WGSO about Papal Ecumenism, Geert Wilders, & Al-Azhar’s Canonical Jew/Infidel-Hatred

Relevant backgrounders dating back to Pope Benedict the XVI’s September, 2006 Regensburg address, till now: The Pope, Jihad, and “Dialogue”; September 17, 2006 An Ancient Muslim Rage is on Display Again; September 22, 2006 Before Death Conversion?; September 25, 2006 … Continue reading

My JDL-Toronto 12/2/13 discussion of the canonical Islamic jihadism & Jew-hatred which animates the Palestinian/Iranian et al annihilationist jihad against Israel

Thanks to Meir Weinstein and JDL-Toronto for hosting the Monday December 2, 2013 event, Blazing Cat Fur for the video recording, and Vlad Tepes for video editing.  

Reminder: Jihad Makes Islam’s Borders, and Innards, Bloody

As of Sunday December 8, 2013, there were at least 22,023 documented fatal terror attacks committed by Muslims since the cataclysmic acts of jihad terrorism on 9/11/2001. This is by nature a gross underestimate given the horrific level of jihad … Continue reading

Audio of my discussion of the latest Libyan jihad depredation, i.e. murder of Ronnie Smith, with AM 560’s Big John & Amy

 Audio link: WIND-Andrew-Bostom-120613       

Wilders to Pope Francis: Contrasts Papal Ecumenism, With Jew/Infidel-Hatred of Current Sunni Pope Al-Tayeb

In a blog yesterday (12/5/13), I analyzed recent statements and actions by the two most recent Catholic Popes, Benedict XVI, and his successor, the current Pope, Francis. I further contrasted their ecumenical words and deeds with the overt, canonical Jew-hatred … Continue reading

Pope Francis Versus Sunni Muslim Pope Al-Tayeb on the Jews

Pope Francis’ “Evangelii Gaudium” (“The Joy of the Gospel”), a 224-page document elucidating  his views of the Church, and its mission, was just issued the week of November 24, 2013. The Pope’s exhortation included a revitalized commitment to fostering relations … Continue reading

Interview Discussion of Apocalyptic Islamic Jew-Hatred, from The Palestinian Mufti to The Iranian Mullahs

My new monograph, The Mufti’s Islamic Jew-Hatred—What The Nazi’s Learned from the “Muslim Pope” analyzes the canonical Islamic Jew-hatred and jihadism which were the core animating ideologies of the founder of the Palestinian Muslim jihadist movement, Hajj Amin el-Husseini, ex-Mufti … Continue reading

Four 11/25/13 Interviews on the Iran “Deal” Fiasco

Thanks to Ken Sikorski for downloading these interviews!! Lars Larson Interview (bear with opening glitch!) 1041thetruth Jon Justice interview WBX Interview 1360 KIUK Interview    

Interviews All Day on the Iran Nuke Deal Fiasco and the Related Failure to Acknowledge Iran’s Animating Islamic Jew-Hatred

I will be discussing this blog, “Nuke Deal Fiasco Analyses Ignore Iran’s Genocidal Islamic Jew-Hatred,” and also my new (and related) monograph, “The Mufti’s Islamic Jew-Hatred: What the Nazis Learned from the ‘Muslim Pope’,” during radio interviews throughout the day. … Continue reading