Dedicated to My Dear Friend Diana West: Aretha Franklin “Evil Gal Blues”

Al-Sisi’s 2006 Mini-Thesis Obtained by a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act Request (Albeit Some Hours After It Mysteriously Appeared Online at Foreign Policy)

The War College Library’s initial rejection of my request last Friday (8/2/13) prompted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) demand for its release by Judicial Watch. As documented earlier, re-affirmed in an e-mail exchange, below, with the U.S. Army War … Continue reading

WHJJ Interview With Helen Glover About Iran’s Rouhani and Egypt’s al-Sisi

An Interview Discussion of the Reasons Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s 2006 U.S. War College Thesis Should Be Made Public

Taqiyya Theater? General al-Sisi’s August 2013 Wash Post Interview vs. His 2006 US Army War College Thesis

The Washington Post report of Lally Weymouth’s August, 2013 interview of Egyptian General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, opened with these comments by al-Sisi, rationalizing the military putsch he helped orchestrate to depose Egypt’s President Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood ideologue: The dilemma … Continue reading

Arthur Rubinstein plays Rachmaninoff’s 18th Variation on a Theme by Paganini

Ray Charles & Aretha Franklin: “You Are My Sunshine”

Make Public Egyptian General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s “Classified” 2006 U.S. Army War College Thesis

At the beginning of this week, Sunday July, 28, 2013, Foreign Affairs published an alarming analysis of the ideology, and political ambitions of General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the man who orchestrated Egypt’s military putsch, which deposed President Muhammad Morsi. Written … Continue reading

Huma Abedin: Tonight (8/2/13) on Fox’s “The Five” Please Discuss/“Query” Her 12-Year Editorial Board Stint on Sharia Supremacist Journal

I just received this tweet from the forthright and thoughtful Andrea Tantaros: Tonight on @FNTheFive – it’s Facebook Friday! We’re taking your questions. Fire away! Ask anything! Well here goes: Given that Huma Abedin spent 12 years (1996-2008) on the … Continue reading

Reza Aslan Fox Interview: Nothing Controversial, Just Another Dishonest Pseudo-Academic

I was asked by my publisher, Prometheus Books, to respond to the Reza Aslan Fox News interview controversy. Here is what I wrote: Matthew Franks at First Things has demonstrated (repeated) claims by Reza Aslan that he has “a Ph.D. … Continue reading