Islam and the Lasting, Even Permanent Ethos of Authoritarianism in Egypt, and the Middle East

P.J. Vatikiotis wrote candidly in 1981 (p. 62) about how authoritarian Islam doomed inchoate efforts at creating political systems which upheld individual freedom in the Middle East notably, within Egypt, but throughout the region. Sadly, his wise observations remain as … Continue reading

Mama Mia, More Sharia in Egypt’s “New” Constitutional Draft

Continuing to ignore the Sharia closed circle that has stifled Egypt’s efforts since the 1820s to produce a pluralistic society, based upon a secular consensus, comes this report—accompanied by despairing outcries from Egypt’s Coptic community. A Coptic activist group, Egypt’s … Continue reading

Educating Daniel Pipes On Islamic Antisemitism

It is common knowledge to every schoolboy and even every Bachelor of Arts, That all sin is divided into two parts. One kind of sin is called a sin of commission, and that is very important, And it is what … Continue reading

My Interview With Steve Malzberg Countering “Sage” Charles Krauthammer’s Woefully Uninformed Tropes About Post-Morsi Egypt

My interview by Steve Malzberg (Monday, 7/8/13) opens with a discussion of Charles Krauthammer’s woefully uninformed (if now commonplace trope) “musings” on Egypt, post-Morsi removal, from a recent Fox News panel discussion by the alleged sage. The interview includes a … Continue reading

My Interview Discussion with Kate Obenshain on Post-Morsi Egypt, Islam, and 200 Years of Failed Secularization

This morning on the Andrea Tantaros Show, guest host Kate Obenshain and I discussed developments in post-Morsi Egypt, and their historical Egyptian Islamic context. Click on link below to hear interview: 07-08 Dr Andrew Bostom

Deposing Morsi Won’t End the Chronic Rejection of Secularism in Egypt

What the late P.J. Vatikiotis left for Egypt delusionists of all ilks, past and present, to learn: The [1923] constitution itself proclaimed Islam as the official religion of the state, inevitably undermining its other provisions relating to the rights of … Continue reading

Discussion of Andrew Pochter’s brutal murder, and the responsible institutions, with Steve Malzberg

Steve Malzberg and I discussed these two recent blog postings: “A Young Jewish Man’s Lethal Arab Spring Delusion” June 30th, 2013, and “Pathetic Video of Late Andrew Pochter in Immoral Equivalence ‘Israel-Palestine Poetry Slam’”    

Discussing the Egyptian Morass & The Wanton Murder of Andrew Pochter With Tom Trento

The “Millions of Cats” reference

Pathetic Video of Late Andrew Pochter in Immoral Equivalence “Israel-Palestine Poetry Slam”

I found this pathognomonic video link (embedded, below) included in Kenyon College’s obituary for Andrew Pochter, brutally stabbed to death this past Friday, June 28th in Alexandria, Egypt. It is difficult to relate the anger and sorrow I feel upon … Continue reading

A Young Jewish Man’s Lethal Arab Spring Delusion

Cross-posted at The American Thinker Andrew Pochter, then a recent alumnus of the State Department’s National Security Language for Youth Program, published a report June 8, 2011 for Al Arabiya on his impressions of the Arab Spring uprisings in Morocco. … Continue reading