Morally Obtuse Melanie Phillips, Redux: “A Turban for a Durban?,” Re-Visited

Blogs by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have brought to my attention Melanie Phillips’ “commentary” on the UK Home Office rulings banning both of the courageous US writers and activists from attending a planned Woolwich commemoration ceremony by the English … Continue reading

New Hard Data Debunking CO2 Climate Warmism Hysteria

Lake El’gygytgyn A paper just published in the prestigious journal Science (June 21, 2013) raises yet more fundamental questions—or at least it should—about the arbitrary designation of atmospheric CO2 as a “pollutant,” in conjunction with anthropogenic climate “warming” hysteria. Investigators … Continue reading

Iranian “Greens,” Still Thirsty for Sharia, Elected Their Sharia Supremacist President, Rowhani

During the summer of 2009, much ink was spilled over the “secular” revolution allegedly taking place in Iran. Indeed, President Obama has been excoriated ever since by conservatives for his failure to unabashedly support the so-called “Green revolution,” which I … Continue reading

Diana West Discusses the Surveillance State And “American Betrayal” with WHJJ’s Helen Glover

Diana West on the US surveillance state, and its relationship to the FDR era-originating “Big Lie” about Communism and the current “Big Islamic Lie,” as elaborated in her opus “American Betrayal,” during a brief 6/17/13 interview with WHJJ’s Helen Glover, … Continue reading

Americans Reject Jihad Graffiti Along I-95 in Florida

Americans, black and white together (one white “maroon,” excepted), rejected an ugly display of the word “jihad” spray-painted along I-95, in Del Ray Beach, Florida. Unlike our Big Islamic Lie consuming and propounding political, academic, and media elites, most ordinary … Continue reading

President-Elect Hasan Rowhani on the Sublimity of Khomeini’s “Model”

Shiite cleric Hasan Rowhani has been elected as Iran’s next President, from amongst a slate of ruling Ayatollah “guardian council”-approved candidates. Hasan Rowhani has a lengthy history in Iranian politics, having served as the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security … Continue reading

American Subversion: From Communism to Islam

A review of Diana West’s, American Betrayal—The Secret Assault on America’s Character (Full Review at Pajamas Media)   They [the New Deal “brain trusters”] do not know that the America of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln has been the “new deal” … Continue reading

Diana West Interviewed by Monica Crowley, 6/8/13

Click on the links below to hear Parts 1 & 2 of Monica Crowley ‘s interview of Diana West about West’s modern American court history paradigm-shattering new book, American Betrayal—The Secret Assault on America’s Character MC_DW.p1 MC_DW. p2

EDL Leader Tommy Robinson Makes American Debut on The Ted Baxter O’Reilly Factor

Jerry Doyle: Diana West’s American Betrayal, “reads like a thriller”

Diana West’s American Betrayal, “reads like a thriller” Continue reading