Condell on London Jihad Butchery: “We Want A Clear Categorical Rejection of the Islamic Doctrine of Armed Jihad”

Pat Condell has made an impassioned, logical demand (hat tip Jihad Watch) for what so-called moderate Muslims must do in the wake of the London jihad butchery last week. The historical record demonstrates that the jihad war theory which motivated … Continue reading

Cassandra as Historian—Diana West Interviewed by Ginni Thomas

Be near me as I go, Tracking the evil things of long ago, And bear me witness… What if no man believe me? ‘Tis all one. The thing which must be shall be; aye, and soon Thou too shalt sorrow … Continue reading

Discussion of Jihad Butchery in London With Tom Trento

I discussed the jihad savagery in London Wednesday 5/22/2013 with Tom Trento (video embedded below), focusing among other things, on one of the jihad killers, Michael Adebelajo’s, counterfactual claims, as well as the apologetic Big Islamic Lie of British Prime … Continue reading

Jihad Butchery in London and the Big Islamic Lie (Blog and Interview)

Mentor (Choudary) and Mentee (jihadist butcher Adebolajo), circa 2007? Cross posted at The American Thinker Wednesday, May 22, 2013, in broad daylight, a murderous act of jihad butchery was committed on a busy London street. The Daily Mail published a … Continue reading

Diana West: American Subversion, From Communism to Islam

My friend and colleague Diana West introduced her magnificent, if dark opus “American Betrayal,” during an interview with Sun TV’s Michael Coren, which provides an excellent synopsis of the book’s major themes. A lengthier discussion of “American Betrayal”  is also … Continue reading

UPDATED: I Have Agreed to Debate Daniel Pipes on His Conception of “Islamic Antisemitism”

UPDATE: Daniel Pipes has declined (via e-mail) to accept Rabbi Hausman’s gracious offer to host a debate on the nature—doctrinal and historical—of Islamic Antisemitism. ** Here is Daniel Pipes’ most recent pronouncement (published 5/16/13) on the subject, ostensibly,  of “Islamic … Continue reading

The “Essentialism” Devil and Daniel Pipes

                          Said and Pipes: An “Essentialist” Harmonic Convergence? Daniel Pipes’ 5/13/13 essay in The Washington Times derides “those who focus on Islam itself as the problem”—identifying Ayaan Hirsi … Continue reading

Libya’s “Classical Liberal” Sharia Supremacist Leader

Cross-posted at The American Thinker This past week’s Benghazi hearings re-focused attention on statements made by Libyan leader Muhammad al-Muqaryaf [Magariaf] in the immediate aftermath of the murderous 9/11/2012 attacks on the vulnerable US Benghazi diplomatic mission compound. Al-Muqaryaf, head … Continue reading

Libya: “The Best of Bad Plans” ?

In reality, the entire US-led NATO Libyan fiasco was the worst of see no Islam, see no jihad, see no Sharia bad plans as discussed at length in a presentation here. (See also John Rosenthal’s superb monograph on the subject, … Continue reading

Park His Carcass in The Caucasus

A New York Times (NYT) report Monday 5/6/13 included discussion of the “logistics”  complicating burial of jihad terrorist murderer Tamerlan Tsarnaev, whose body, as of this morning, Wednesday 5/8/13, remains in storage, and cannot be interred. Two key players in … Continue reading