Violence Against Women in Islam: Report by the Dutch Party for Freedom

  Images above,  and the following text, via Pamela Geller, summarizing open sources: “The killing of Ghazala Khan in Denmark by her brother may be the only instance where an “honor” killing has been photographed while being perpetrated. This  picture … Continue reading

Violence and Mainstream Islam

              Hundreds of thousands of Bengladeshi Muslims demonstrate and chant ,“Allah is great, hang the atheist bloggers.” ** Against the backdrop of 20,651 jihadist attacks since 9/11/2001, and the hundreds of thousands of Muslims … Continue reading

A Decade of Indoctrinating Palestinian Muslim Children in Koranic Jew-Hatred

Res Ipsa Loquitur, circa 2002, and 2013. The Koranic references are described in detail here (and here), but prominently featured are the apes, apes/pigs Koranic depictions of Jews (i.e., Koran 2:65, 5:60, and 7:166), invoked by Muslims since Muhmmad himself … Continue reading

Anti-Dhimmitude: Likud MK Feiglin Demands Turkish Apology for 1942 Struma Slaughter

On the heels of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ill-advised, dhimmi-like apology to Turkey’s traditionalist Islamic Jew-hating, Sharia supremacist Prime Minister “Mas-Kom-Ya” Erdogan (under morally repugnant pressure from US President Obama), comes this refreshing  display of anti-dhimmitude by Likud MK … Continue reading

Iraq: A US-Midwived Iranian Client State

Followers of Iraqi Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada Sadr carry an image of him and chant slogans against the U.S. and sectarianism during a protest in Kut, 100 miles southeast of Baghdad on March 16, 2013. ** Back in February, 2004, … Continue reading

Addended: Israel’s Peace Partner: “On Saturday we kill the Jews, and on Sunday we kill the Christians.”

Leila Gilbert, author of  Saturday People, Sunday People: Israel Through the Eyes of a Christian Sojourner was interviewed at NRO by Kathryn Lopez. Gilbert made the following seemingly self-evident observation, but for the willful obfuscation of a repugnantly biased, Islamophilic, … Continue reading

Ziessen Pesach !

Louis Armstrong-“Go Down Moses” Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt land Tell old Pharaoh To let my people go. Now when Israel was in Egypt land (Let my people go) Oppressed so hard they could not stand (Let my … Continue reading

Magdi Allam Leaves Catholic Church Over Its Dhimmitude

In a profoundly symbolic gesture (hat tip Tundra Tabloids), which epitomizes the Catholic Church’s abject dhimmitude, high-profile Muslim convert to Christianity Magdi Christiano Allam, has renounced his Catholicism because of what he terms the Church’s weakness toward, and legitimation of, … Continue reading

Through A Projector Lense Clearly

Andrew Harrod has revealed the sad reality which marred an otherwise remarkable event at The Heritage Foundation,  “Silent Conquest: The End of Freedom of Expression in the West”: the Muhammad images under discussion were blurred out, effectively kowtowing to the … Continue reading

Discussion of Effort to Impose Islamic Blasphemy Law on Writer/Activist Pamela Geller

Yesterday I was interviewed by Tom Trento who uncovered an e-mail string which revealed the effort of mainstream Sharia supremacist Muslims on Long Island, New York, and their dull-witted non-Muslim abettors, to impose Islamic blasphemy law on writer activist Pamela … Continue reading