Roosevelt, Ibn Saud, and American Jews

This morning at AT, Professor Emeritus Edward Bernard Glick described his frank 1958 discussion with Eleanor Roosevelt regarding her husband, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s decision not to bomb the railway tracks connecting to the Nazi extermination camps for European Jews. … Continue reading

Hedegaard, Gabbay, & Bostom Discuss Sharia and Free Speech with WHJJ’s Helen Glover

              Left to Right: Rabbi Jon Hausman, Tiffany Gabbay, Myself, and Helen Glover

Defending Free Speech From Sharia and Its Abettors

As noted yesterday,  I was privileged to participate in a forum discussing the impact of Sharia on free speech—including the fomenting of violence against “blasphemers,” as epitomized by the recent assassination attempt on Danish journalist and historian, Lars Hedegaard, the … Continue reading

Sharia’s Assault on Free Speech: Attend or View Live Stream Weds. 3/20 7PM

This panel discussion will include the following participants: Lars Hedegaard, Robert Spencer, Tiffany Gabbay, and Andrew Bostom, Moderated by Michael Graham Attend or see the event streamed live on Mar 20, 2013 at 7 pm Eastern Time Register to attend … Continue reading

Hedegaard Canadian Interview and Live US Appearance

Danish historian and journalist Lars Hedegaard was interviewed by Canadian Sun TV’s Michael Coren for the third time since Hedegaard survived an assassination attempt in early February, ostensibly for his criticism of Islamic supremacism, and was forced into protective seclusion.  … Continue reading

Ten Key Points on Islamic Blasphemy Law and Non-Muslims

                        Qadi Iyad (d. 1149), the great Almoravid jurist, from his seminal Ash-Shifa, which includes one of the most authoritative analyses of Islamic blasphemy law’s treatment of non-Muslims: “Once … Continue reading

Addended: Interview: What Went Wrong With Bernard Lewis?

Addendum: This very detailed WSJ analysis–a Bernard Lewis pom-pom section if there ever was one— by Peter Waldman, circa February, 2004  (“A Historian’s Take on Islam Steers U.S. in Terrorism Fight  Bernard Lewis’s Blueprint — Sowing Arab Democracy — Is … Continue reading

Young Moroccan “Apostate” on The Arab Spring and Islam

Kassim al-Ghasali: “Any moderate Muslim who would like to reform Islam should admit to himself that terror and violence are in the Koran. The unmitigated horror. But no Muslim could admit that the Koran is a politically- and historically-determined book … Continue reading

The Filibuster, The Dinner, and The Brennan Vote

Three of the public intellectuals I admire most, my friend, the gifted prosecutor (Andy McCarthy), my colleague, the comedic genius (Mark Steyn), and my dear friend, the brilliant writer, and wonderful host (Diana West), have opined thoughtfully on the Rand … Continue reading

Blasphemy Mucho—How Sharia Kills Free Speech

Losing free speech via the toxic synergy of mainstream, supremacist Islam, and Western self-loathing *** Al Qaeda’s English language magazine “Inspire,” in its latest edition, has expressed the jihad terror organization’s outrage over the “Innocents of Muslims” video trailer, an … Continue reading