Andrew Higgins, Who is the “Xenophobic Butcher”, Again?

    In my earlier blog about NY Times agitprop journalist Andrew Higgins, who calumniated a real journalist and historian, Lars Hedegaard, I mentioned Higgins’ warped hagiography of The Danish Muslim Society, and its two recent leaders, whose role in … Continue reading

Times Demonizes Hedegaard, Lionizes Danish Muslim Instigator of Murderous Cartoon Riots

                      Reporting “worthy” of this man, Walter Duranty Andrew Higgins’ “inspirational” muse must be the ignoble New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, who deliberately concealed Stalin’s campaign of mass starvation … Continue reading

Mark Steyn’s Antidote to Burqa-Mandating Texas Teachers (Allah-la-la-la-la…)

Todd Starnes of Fox News radio reports that Texas State Sen. Dan Patrick, chairman of the senate education committee, is launching an investigation, after outraged parents provided photographic evidence that their Lumberton (Texas) High School children were required to don … Continue reading

Kierkegaard, Hedegaard, Magaard, and Islam

                                                        Erudite, honest Danish intellectuals, and academics, spanning 176 years, from Søren Kierkegaard, … Continue reading

Lars Hedegaard Speaks to the Danish Free Press Society

Lars Hedegaard, a portrait of courage, tenacity, and wit, under even the most trying circumstances, delivered a remarkable address to the Danish Free Press Society on Thursday 2/21/13, just over two-weeks after surviving an assassination attempt. The video with English … Continue reading

William Shatner Supports the Second Amendment

Lars Hedegaard in the Wall Street Journal

Kudos to the Wall Street Journal Opinion Page and Editorial Board (especially Dorothy Rabinowitz) for publishing Lars Hedegaard’s defiant tocsin of looming free speech calamity, “The Assassin at the Door” After laying out the details of the assassination attempt, Hedegaard … Continue reading

Lars Hedegaard and the Enemies of Truthfulness

Last week I noted how Michael Coren of Canada’s Sun TV was far bolder than any of his US television network colleagues in dealing with Islam’s threat to Western free speech, epitomized by Coren’s interview of Danish journalist and historian … Continue reading

CAIR’s Hooper: If Brennan’s A Muslim, He “Reverted”

          Nordic-appearing “revert” to Islam Dougie “Ibrahim” Hooper re-states classical, mainstream Islamic supremacism, for the edification of our willfully blind media, academic, and political “elites”: “Everyone is born in a state of Islam and your parents … Continue reading

Hedegaard Interviewed by Sun TV’s Michael Coren (But Not Fox News)

Once again illustrating how Canada’s Sun TV is far bolder than any US television network in dealing with Islam’s threat to Western free speech, Michael Coren, uniquely, interviewed Lars Hedegaard, who survived an assassination attempt earlier this week. Coren underscored … Continue reading